Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Rohde-Enslin & Engelhard 2007

Full Citation
Rohde-Enslin, S. & Engelhard, J. “Neuiger trieb mich um die Welt”. Hans Helfritz im Jemen 1931 – 1935. Eine photographische und musikethnologische Spurensuche. “Curiosity kept me striving”. Hans Helfritz in Yemen 1931 – 1935. A photographic and music-ethnological journey. Catalogue of an Exhibition by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Sana'a and the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for Ethnology of the City of Cologne, Hans Helfritz Archive at the Historical Photographical Archive, with the participation of the Eth. Berlin: Embassy of the Federal Republic of germany, Sana'a & the German Archaeological Institute, Orient Department, Sana'a Branch, 2007.