Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 2737 - 2760 of 14487 in total
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Bukharin 2009 Bukharin, M.D. Towards the earliest history of Kinda. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 20, 2009: 64–80.
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Bulliet 1980 Bulliet, R. Sedentarization of Nomads in the Seventh Century. The Arabs in Bosra and Leufa. Pages 35-47 in P.C. Salzman (ed.), When Nomads Settle. Processes of Sedentarization as Adaptation and Response. Praeger, 1980.
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Bülow-Jacobsen 1996 Bülow-Jacobsen, A. Archaeology and Philology on Mons Claudianus 1987-1993. Topoi 6, 1996: 721-730.
Bülow-Jacobsen, Cuvigny, Fournet, Gabolde, Robin 1995 Bülow-Jacobsen, A., Cuvigny, H., Fournet, J.L., Gabolde, M., Robin, C. Les inscriptions d'Al-Muwayḥ. Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 95, 1995: 103-124.
Bülow-Jacobsen, Cuvigny, Fournet 1994 Bülow-Jacobsen, A., Cuvigny, H., Fournet, J.-L. The Identification of Myos Hormos. New Papyrological Evidence. Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 94, 1994: 27-38, pl. 1-4.
Bülow-Jacobsen 2001 Bülow-Jacobsen, A. The Pronunciation of Greek in the Ostraca from the Eastern Desert. Pages 157-162 in I. Andorlini, G. Bastianini, M. Manfredi, & G. Menci (eds), Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 23-29 agosto 1998. (2 volumes) 1. Firenze: Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli", 2001.
Bülow-Jacobsen 2009 Bülow-Jacobsen, A. Writing Materials in the Ancient World. Pages 3-29 in R.S. Bagnall (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
Bulteau 1993 Bulteau, M. Le rayon X de l'Arabie. Saba 1, 1993: 71.
Bunnens 1969 Bunnens, G. Le zodiaque nabatéen de Khirbet-Tannur. Entre les Victoires stéphanophores et les anges caryatides. Latomus 28, 1969: 391-407, pls XIV-XVII.
Bunsen 1854 Bunsen, C.C.J. Outlines of the Philosophy of Universal History, Applied to Language and Religion. being volumes 3 and 4 of: Christianity and Mankind, their Beginnings and Prospects. By C.C.J. Bunsen, in seven Volumes. Philosophical Section.. (2 volumes). London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854.
Burchardt 1909-1910 Burchardt, Max Die Altkanaanäischen Fremdworte und Eigennamen im Aegyptischen.. 2 t. en 1 vol. (60 p., 87 p.) ;. Leipzig : J. C. Hinrichs, 1909-1910.,
Burckhardt 1830 Burckhardt, J.L. Arabic Proverbs; or the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, Illustrated from their Proverbial Sayings Current at Cairo; Translated and Explained by the late John Lewis Burckhardt. Edited with a Preface by W. Ouseley. London:, 1830.
Burckhardt / Gesenius 1823-1824 Burckhardt, J.L. Johann Ludwig Burckhardt's Reisen in Syrien, Palästina und der Gegend des Berges Sinai. Aus dem Englischen. Herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Dr. Wilhelm Gesenius. (2 volumes). (Neue Bibliothek der wichtigsten Reisebeschreibungen zur Erweiterung der Erd- und Völkerkunde, 34, 38). Weimar: Gr.S. priv. Landes-Industrie-Comptoirs, 1823-1824 .
Burckhardt 1831 Burckhardt, J.L. Notes on the Bedouins and Wahábys, collected during his Travels in the East. Published by Authority of the Association for Promoting the Discovery of the Interior of Africa. (2 volumes). [Edited by W. Ouseley.]. London: Colburn & Bently, 1831.
Burckhardt 1829 Burckhardt, J.L. Travels in Arabia. Comprehending an Account of those Territories in Hedjaz which the Mohammedans Regard as Sacred. Edited by W. Ouseley. London: Colburn, 1829.
Burckhardt 1819 Burckhardt, J.L. Travels in Nubia. Edited with a Memoir by W.M. Leake. London:, 1819.
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