Reference Results

Displaying citations 2737 - 2760 of 14522 in total
Ryckmans J 1985 Ryckmans, J. L'ordre alphabétique sud-sémitique et ses origines. Pages 343-359 in C. Robin (ed.), Mélanges linguistiques offerts à Maxime Rodinson par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis. (Comptes Rendus du Groupe Linguistique d'Études Chamito-Sémitiques. Supplément, 12). Paris: Geuthner, 1985.
Ryckmans J 1984 Ryckmans, J. Arabie préislamique (religions de l'). Pages 91-94 in [no ed.], Dictionnaire des Religions. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1984.
Ryckmans J 1984 Ryckmans, J. Alphabets, Scripts and Languages in Pre-Islamic Arabian Epigraphical Evidence. Pages 73-86 in A.T. al-Ansary, A.M. Abdalla, S. al-Sakkar, R.Mortel (eds), Studies in the History of Arabia. II: Pre-Islamic Arabia. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Studies in the History of Arabia, Jumādā I, 1399 A.H. / April 1979, sponsored jointly by the Department of Archaeology and Museology, College of Arts, King Saud University (formerly Riyadh University), . Riyadh: King Saud University Press, 1984 [1985].
Ryckmans J 1983 Ryckmans, J. A Three Generations' Matrilineal Genealogy in a Hasaean Inscription: Matrilineal Ancestry in Pre-Islamic Arabia. Revised text of a paper presented at the "Bahrain through the Ages" conference (Bahrain 3th-10th December 1983). [unpublished but see Ryckmans J 1986]. 1983.
Ryckmans J 1982 Ryckmans, J. A Short Note on Sadd Al-Jalad in Wādī Najrān. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 12, 1982: 69-72.
Ryckmans J 1981 Ryckmans, J. L'ordre des lettres de l'alphabet sud-sémitique. Contribution à la question de l'origine de l'écriture alphabétique. L'Antiquité classique 50, 1981: 698-706.
Ryckmans J 1981 Ryckmans, J. Al-Ukhdūd: The Philby-Ryckmans-Lippens Expedition of 1951. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 11, 1981: 55-63.
Ryckmans J 1981 Ryckmans, J. Over alphabetten, schriften em dialekten in de voor-islamitische inscripties van Arabië. Pages 257 in [no ed.], Handelingen van Let Zes en dertigste Nederlands, Philologencongres. Amsterdam: APA-Holland Universiteits Press, 1981.
Ryckmans J 1980 Ryckmans, J. ʿUzzā et Lāt dans les inscriptions sud-arabes : à propos de deux amulettes méconnues. Journal of Semitic Studies 25, 1980: 193-204.
Ryckmans J 1980 Ryckmans, J. [Review of Winnett and Harding 1978 (WH)]. Journal of Semitic Studies 25, 1980: 278-281.
Ryckmans J 1979 Ryckmans, J. Some Remarks on the Late Sabaean Inscriptions. Pages 57-68 in A.T. al-Ansary, A.M. Abdalla, S. al-Sakkar, R.T. Mortel (eds), Studies in the History of Arabia. 1. Sources for the History of Arabia. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Studies in the History of Arabia, 23rd. —28th of April 1977, sponsored by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Part 1. Riyadh: University of Riyadh Press, 1979 [1981].
Ryckmans J 1976 Ryckmans, J. An Ancient Stone Structure for the Capture of Ibex in Western Saudi Arabia. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 6, 1976: 161-165.
Ryckmans J 1976 Ryckmans, J. A Bust of a South Arabian Winged Goddess with Nimbus in the possession of Miss Leila Ingrams. Arabian Studies 3, 1976: 67-78.
Ryckmans J 1975 Ryckmans, J. First evidence on a form of the first person in the Old South Arabian inscriptions. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 5, 1975: 61-64.
Ryckmans J 1975 Ryckmans, J. Himyaritica V. Le Muséon 88, 1975: 199–219.
Ryckmans J 1975 Ryckmans, J. Etudes d'épigraphie sud-arabe en russe, 10 (année 1973, 1ère partie). Bibliotheca Orientalis 32, 1975: 318-321.
Ryckmans J 1974 Ryckmans, J. [Review of Winnett and Reed 1970 (ARNA)]. Bibliotheca Orientalis 31, 1974: 143-144.
Ryckmans J 1974 Ryckmans, J. Himyaritica III. Le Muséon 87, 1974: 237–263.
Ryckmans J 1974 Ryckmans, J. Himyaritica IV. Le Muséon 87, 1974: 493–521.
Ryckmans J 1973 Ryckmans, J. [Review of Harding 1971 (Hln)]. Le Muséon 86, 1973: 543-547.
Ryckmans J 1972 Ryckmans, J. An Approach to Some Chronological Problems of Ancient North Arabia. International Symposium on Arabia in Antiquity, Harvard, 15th-17th December 1972. 1972.
Ryckmans J 1970 Ryckmans, J. Bibliographie de Mgr G. Ryckmans. Le Muséon 83, 1970: 13-40.
Ryckmans J 1970 Ryckmans, J. Etudes d'épigraphie sud-arabe en russe, 5 (année 1968). Bibliotheca Orientalis 27, 1970: 179.
Ryckmans J 1970 Ryckmans, J. [Review of Winnett and Reed 1970 (ARNA)]. Chronique d'Égypte 45, 1970: 317.