Reference Results
Displaying citations 3337 - 3360 of 14522 in total
Robin 1976 | Robin, C.J. Le Yémen. L'Arabie Heureuse. La reine de Saba. Bible et Terre Sainte 177, 1976: Whole issue. | |
Robin 1975-1976 | Robin, C.J. La tablette Lescot. Annuaire. École Pratique des Hautes Études. IV÷ Section: sciences historiques et philologiques 1975-1976: 219-221. | |
Robin 1975 | Robin, C.J. Compléments à la morphologie du verbe en sudarabique épigraphique. Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques 1, 1975: 163-185. | |
Robin 1974 | Robin, C. Monnaies provenant de l'Arabie du nord-est. Semitica 24, 1974: 83-125, pl. 1. | |
Robin | Robin, C.J. Des Nabatéens en Arabie Méridionale?. [hand-out of a paper given at the colloquium ‘De Midian à Pétra’, Lyon, November 1998 and to be published in Topoi. Housed as a pc of Topoi. | |
Robin | Robin, C.J. La lecture et l'interprétation de l'abécédaire Raʾs Shamra 88.2215. La preuve par l"Arabie ?. Typescript. To be published in the Bordreuil Festschrift. | |
Robertson Smith 1927 | Robertson Smith, W. Lectures on the Religion of the Semites. The Fundamental Institutions. With introduction and addtional notes by S.A. Cook. London: Black, 1927 (3rd. edition). | |
Robertson Smith 1903 | Robertson Smith, W. Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia. New edition with additional notes by the author and by Professor Ignaz Goldziher, Budapest. Edited by S.A. Cook . London: Black, 1903 (2nd edition). | |
Robertson Smith 1885 | Robertson Smith, W. Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia. London: Black, 1885. | |
Roberts N 1978 | Roberts, N. Water Conservation in Ancient Arabia: Reply to R.L. Raikes. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 8, 1978: 32. | |
Roberts N 1977 | Roberts, N. Water Conservation in Ancient Arabia. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 7, 1977: 134-146. | |
Roberts ES 1887 | Roberts, E.S. An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy. Part 1. The Archaic Inscriptions and the Greek Alphabet. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1887. | |
Roberts CH & Skeat 1983 | Roberts, C.H. & Skeat, T.C. The Birth of the Codex. London: Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 1983. | |
Roberts CH 1955 | Roberts, C. H. The Codex. Proceedings of the British Academy 40, 1955: 169-204. | |
Robert 1946 | Robert, L. L'épitaphe d'un arabe à Thasos. Pages 43-50 in L Robert, Hellenica. Recueil d'épigraphie de numismatique et d'antiquités grecques. 2. Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1946. | |
Robert 1939 | Robert, L. Inscriptions grecques de Phénicie et d'Arabie. Pages 729-738 in [no ed.], Mélanges Syriens offerts à Monsieur René Dussaud par ses amis et ses élèves. Haut-Commissariat de la République Française en Syrie et au Liban, Service des Antiquités. (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 30.2). Paris: Geuthner, 1939. | |
Robb 1994 | Robb, K. Literacy & Paideia in Ancient Greece. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. | |
Roaf 1992 | Roaf, M. [Review of Cribb 1991 (Nomads in Archaeology)]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3rd. series, 2, 1992: 431-432. | |
Roaf 1991 | Roaf, Michael Atlas de la Mésopotamie et du Proche-Orient ancien. 237 p. :. [Turnhout] : Brepols, , | |
Roaf 1974 | Roaf, M. The Subject Peoples on the Base of the Statue of Darius. Cahiers de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Iran 4, 1974: 73-159, 245-252. | |
RMr | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at Riǧm al-Maraʾ, and published here. | |
RMenv.D | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 in the environs of Riǧm Mushbik, and published here. | |
RMenv.C | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 in the environs of Riǧm Mushbik, and published here. | |
RM.A | RM.A | Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at Riǧm Mushbik, and published here. |