Reference Results
Displaying citations 3601 - 3624 of 14522 in total
Rainey 1996 | Rainey, A.F. Canaanite in the Amarna Tablets. A Linguistic Analysis of the Mixed Dialect Used by the Scribes from Canaan. (4 volumes). (Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1/XXV). Leiden: Brill, 1996. | |
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Rainey 1976 | Rainey, A.F. Toponymic Problems (cont.). Tel Aviv 3, 1976: 57-69. | |
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Rainey 1962 | Rainey, A.F. Administration in Ugarit and the Samaria Ostraca. Israel Exploration Journal 12, 1962: 62-63. | |
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Raikes 1978 | Raikes, R.L. Comments on Water Conservation in Ancient Arabia. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 8, 1978: 29-31. | |
Raihani 1929 | Raihani, Amin ar- Muluk al-Arab. 2 vol., 390 p., 446 p. ;. Beyrouth : Y. Sador, 2e éd., | |
Rahmo 1993 | Rahmo, R. Les momies de Palmyre. Damascus: Sidawy, 1993. | |
Rahmani 1972 | Rahmani, L.Y. A bilingual Ossuary-Inscription from Khirbet Zif. Israel Exploration Journal 22, 1972: 113-116. | |
Rahmani 1961 | Rahmani, L.Y. The coins from Naḥal Ṣeelim and Naḥal Hardof. Israel Exploration Journal 11, 1961: 63-64. | |
Rahman 1976 | Rahman, F. Pre-Foundations of the Muslim Community in Mecca. Studia Islamica 43, 1976 | |
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Radner & Robson 2011 | Radner, K. & Robson, E. The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. | |
Radner, Baker HE 1998— | Radner, K., Baker, H.E., The Prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. volume 1, Part I: A ed. by K. Radner (1998); Volume 1, Part II: B–G ed. by K. Radner (1999); Volume 2, Part II: L–N ed. by H.D. Baker (2001). Helsinki: The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project, 1998—. | |
Radner 2008 | Radner, K. How to reach the Upper Tigris: the route through the Ṭūr ʿAbdīn. State Archives of Assyria Bulletin 15, 2008: 273-305. | |
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Radi, Zizola, Nardi 2005 | Radi, S. al-, Nardi, R. & Zizola, Ch. Al-madrasat al-ʿāmiriyyah. Al-ḥifāẓ ʿalā ʾl-rusūm al-jidāriyyah. Roma: CCA, 2005. | |
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Raby & Johns 1992 | Raby, J. & Johns, J. (eds.) Bayt al-Maqdis: Abd al-Malik's Jerusalem. 1. (Oxford Studies in Islamic Art, 9). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. |