Reference Results
Displaying citations 3769 - 3792 of 14522 in total
Potts DT 1994 | Potts, D.T. Contributions to the Agrarian History of Eastern Arabia II: The Cultivars. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 5, 1994: 236-275. | |
Potts DT 1994 | Potts, D.T. Nestorian crosses from Jabal Berri. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 5, 1994: 61-65. | |
Potts DT 1994 | Potts, D.T. Contributions to the Agrarian History of Eastern Arabia I: Implements and Cultivation Techniques. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 5, 1994: 158-168. | |
Potts DT 1994 | Potts, D.T. Supplement to The Pre-Islamic Coinage of Eastern Arabia. (Carsten Niehbuhr Institute Publications, 16). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1994. | |
Potts DT 1994 | Potts, D.T. [Review of Rice 1994 (The Achaeology of the Arabian Gulf)]. Antiquity 68, 1994: 674-675. | |
Potts DT 1994 | Potts, D.T. Augustus, Aelius Gallus and the Periplus: A Re-Interpretation of the Coinage of Ṣanʿâʾ Class B. Pages 212-222 in N. Nebes (ed.), Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit von R. Richter, I. Kottsieper und M. Maraqten. Reprinted as XII in D.T. Potts, Mesopotamia, Iran and Arabia from the Seleucids to the Sasanians. (Variorum Collected Studies CS962). Farnham: Ashgate. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994. | |
Potts DT 1993 | Potts, D.T. Occidental and Oriental elements in the religions of Babylonia and Iran during the third and second centuries B.C.. Topoi 3, 1993: 345-354. | |
Potts DT 1993 | Potts, D.T. Hegra before the Nabataeans. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 4, 1993: 59-63. | |
Potts DT 1993 | Potts, D.T. A Sasanian lead horse from northeastern Arabia. Iranica Antiqua 28, 1993 | |
Potts DT 1991 | Potts, D.T. The Pre-Islamic Coinage of Eastern Arabia. With an Appendix by R. Boucharlat and M. Drieux. (Carsten Niehbuhr Institute Publications, 14). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1991. | |
Potts DT 1991 | Potts, D.T. Pre-Alexandrine Phoenician Staters from Northeastern Arabia. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 2, 1991: 24-30. | |
Potts DT 1991 | Potts, D.T. Tayma and the Assyrian empire. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 2, 1991: 10-23. | |
Potts DT 1991 | Potts, D.T. Nabataean Finds from Thaj and Qatif. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 2, 1991: 138-144. | |
Potts DT 1990 | Potts, D.T. The Arabian Gulf in Antiquity. (2 volumes). Oxford: Clarendon, 1990. | |
Potts DT 1990 | Potts, D.T. Notes on Some Horned Buildings in Iran, Mesopotamia and Arabia. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale 84, 1990: 33-40. | |
Potts DT 1989 | Potts, D.T. Seleucid Karmania. Pages 581-603 in L. ed Meyer & E. Haerinck (eds), Archaeologia Iranica et Orientalis: Miscellanea in Honorem Louis Vanden Berghe. Reprinted as IV in D.T. Potts, Mesopotamia, Iran and Arabia from the Seleucids to the Sasanians. (Variorum Collected Studies CS962). Farnham: Ashgate. Leuven: Peeters, 1989. | |
Potts DT 1989 | Potts, D.T. Miscellanea Hasaitica. (Carsten Niehbuhr Institute Publications, 9). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1989. | |
Potts DT 1989 | Potts, D.T. The Danish Excavations. Mesopotamia 24, 1989: 13-27, figs 1-11. | |
Potts DT 1989 | Potts, D.T. Gundešhapur and the Gondeisos. Iranica Antiqua 24, 1989: 323-335. | |
Potts DT 1988 | Potts*D.T. (ed.) Araby the Blest. Studies in Arabian Archaeology. (Carsten Niehbuhr Institute Publications, 7). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum, 1988. | |
Potts DT 1988 | Potts, D.T. Trans-Arabian Routes of the Pre-Islamic Period. Pages 127-162 in J.-F. Salles (ed.), L'Arabie et ses mers bordières: I. Itinéraires et voisinages. Séminaire de recherche 1985-1986. (Travaux de la maison de l'Orient, 16). Reprinted in F.E. Peters (ed.), The Arabs and Arabia on the Eve of Islam . (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World, 3). Aldershot: Ashgate,1996: 45-80; and as III in D.T. Potts, Mesopotamia, Iran and Arabia from the Seleucids to the Sasanians. (Var. Lyon: GS - Maison de l'Orient, 1988. | |
Potts DT 1988 | Potts, D.T. Arabia and the Kingdom of Characene. Pages 136-167 in D.T. Potts (ed.), Araby the Blest. Studies in Arabian Archaeology. (Carsten Niehbuhr Institute Publications, 7). Reprinted as X in D.T. Potts, Mesopotamia, Iran and Arabia from the Seleucids to the Sasanians. (Variorum Collected Studies CS962). Farnham: Ashgate. Copenhagen: Carsten Niehbuhr Institute Publications, 1988. | |
Potts DT 1985 | Potts, D.T. Reflections on the History and Archaeology of Bahrain [Review of Larsen 1983 (Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands)]. Journal of the American Oriental Society 105, 1985: 675-710. | |
Potts DT 1985 | Potts, D.T. From Qadê to Mazûn: four notes on Oman c. 700 BC to 700 AD). Journal of Oman Studies 08/01/2012, 1985: 81-95. |