Reference Results

Displaying citations 4009 - 4032 of 14522 in total
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Philby 1933 Philby, H.S.J.B. The Empty Quarter: Being a Description of the Great South Desert of Arabia Known as Rub'al Khali. London: Constable, 1933.
Philby 1933 Philby, H.S.J.B. Rubʿ al-Khali: An Account of Exploration in the Great South Desert of Arabia under the Auspices and Patronage of His Majesty ʿAbdul ʿAziz ibn Saʿud, King of the Hejaz and Nejd and Its Dependences. Geographical Journal 81, 1933: 1-26, 96 and 8 plates.
Philby 1930 Philby, H.S.J.B. Arabia. (The Modern World, a Survey of Historical Forces, Series). London: Benn, 1930.
Philby 1925 Philby, H.S.J.B. The Dead Sea to ʿAqaba. Geographical Journal 66, 1925: 134-155.
Philby 1925 Philby, H.St.J.B. General Description of Petra and its Surroundings. Pages 1-19, 1 pl. and 2 maps in A.B.W. Kennedy, Petra. Its History and Monuments. London: Country Life, 1925.
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Philby 1920 Philby, H.S.J.B. Southern Najd. Geographical Journal 55, 1920: 161-191, 240 and 4 plates.
Philby 1920 Philby, H.S.J.B. Across Arabia: From the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea. Geographical Journal 56, 1920: 446-468, 510 and 8 plates.
Ph Texts collected by H. St. J. Philby.
Pflaum 1957 Pflaum, H.-G. Les gouverneurs de la province romaine d'Arabie de 193 à 305. Syria 34, 1957: 128-144.
Pflaum 1952 Pflaum, H.-G. La fortification de la ville d'Adraha d'Arabie (259-260 à 274-275) d'après des inscriptions récemment découvertes. Syria 29, 1952: 307-330.
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Pétrin 1992 Pétrin, N. Philological Notes on the Crossbow and Related Missile Weapons. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 33, 1992: 265-291.
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Petrie WMF 1906 Petrie, W.M.F. Pages 55, 60-61, pl. 48Hyksos and Israelite Cities. Double volume. London: Quarritch for the British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1906.
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