Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 4009 - 4032 of 14487 in total
Dostal 2000 Dostal, W. Some Anthropological Reflections on the Cultural Transformations through the Development of High Cultures in Pre-Islamic Time. Adumatu 1, 2000: 40-46.
Dostal 1979 Dostal, W. The Development of Bedouin Life in Arabia Seen from Archaeological Material. Pages 125-144, pl. 60-72 in A.T. al-Ansary, A.M. Abdalla, S. al-Sakkar, R.T. Mortel (eds), Studies in the History of Arabia. 1. Sources for the History of Arabia. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Studies in the History of Arabia, 23rd. —28th of April 1977, sponsored by the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Part 1. Riyadh: University of Riyadh Press, 1979 [1981].
Dostal 1959 Dostal, W. The Evolution of Bedouin Life. Pages 11-34 in F. Gabrieli (ed.), L'Antica Società Beduina. (Studi semitici, 2). Roma: Centro di Studi Semitici, Università di Roma, 1959.
Dostal @ Dostal, W. The Significance of Semitic Nomads in Asia. Pages 312-316VIIIth. Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, S.10 Eurasian Nomads. @.
Dostal 1992 Dostal, W. The Structure and Principles of Customary Law Among the Tribes of Yemen — “An Anthropological Interpretation’. in W. M. Ghoneim (ed.), Dirāsāt fī āṯār. Part 1. Riyāḍ: King Saud University Press, 1992.
Dostal 1989 Dostal, W. The Transition from Cognatic to Unilinear Descent Systems in South Arabia. in A. Gingrich, S. Haas, Sy. Haas, G. Paleczek (eds.), Kinship, Social Change and Evolution. Proceedings of a Symposium held in Honour of Walter Dostal. (Wiener Beiträge zur Ethnologie und Anthropologie, 5). Wien: Berger, 1989.
Dostal 1979 Dostal, W. Towards an Ethnographic Atlas of Arabia. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 9, 1979: 45-52.
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Dostal 2005 Dostal, W. Über zwei vor-Islamische Heilige im Jemen — ein Beitrag zur Frage der “Survivals” in islamischen Kulturstrukturen. Pages 324-331 in A.V. Sedov & I.M. Smulyanskaya (eds), Arabia Vitalis: Arabskii Vostok, islam, drevnyaya Araviya: Sbornik Naychnykh statei, posvyashchennyi 60-letiyu V.V. Naumkina. Moscow: Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, 2005.
Dostal 1958 Dostal, W. Zur Frage der Entwicklung des Beduinentums. (Archiv für Völkerkunde, 13). 1958.
Dotan 1981 Dotan, A. New Light in the ʿIzbet Ṣarṭah Ostracon. Tel Aviv 8, 1981: 160-172.
Dothan 1992 Dothan, Trude, Dothan, Moshe People of the sea: the search for the Philistines. xii-276 p. ;. New York : Macmillan, 1992.,
Dothan 1982 Dothan, Trude Krakauer The Philistines and their material culture. xxii-310 p. :. Jerusalem : Israel Exploration society, 1982.,
Doublet & Ghisotti 1994 Doublet, D. & Ghisotti, A. The Red Sea. Shrewsbury: Swan Hill, 1994.
Dougherty 1930 Dougherty, R.P. A Babylonian City in Arabia. American Journal of Archaeology 34, 1930: 296-312.
Dougherty 1929 Dougherty, R.P. Nabonidus and Belshazzar. A Study of the Closing Events of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Reprinted New York: AMS, 1980. (Yale Oriental Series: Researchs, 15). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1929.
Dougherty 1922 Dougherty, R.P. Nabonidus in Arabia. Journal of the American Oriental Society 42, 1922: 305-316.
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Doughty 1888 Doughty, C. Travels in Arabia Deserta. (2 volumes). Cambridge, 1888.