Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 4825 - 4848 of 14487 in total
Frye, Gilliam, Ingholt, Welles 1955 Frye, R.N., Gilliam, J. F., Ingholt, H., Welles, C. B. Inscriptions from Dura-Europos . Yale Classical Studies 14, 1955: 123-213, pl. 1-4.
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Fujii 1987 Fujii, H. Roman Textiles from al-Tar Caves in Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia 22, 1987: 215-231, pl. 68-86.
Fujii & Sakamoto 1992 Fujii, H. & Sakamoto, K. Cultural Contacts between the East Mediterranean Coastal Area and Mesopotamia in A.D. 1st-3rd Centuries — The Marked Characteristics of the Textiles Unearthed from at-Tar Caves, Iraq —. Al-Rāfidān 13, 1992: 95-103.
Fujii & Sakamoto 1994 Fujii, H. & Sakamoto, K. The Close Relationship between Hatra Sculpture Designs and at-Tar Textile Designs — A View based on the Characteristics of the Textiles Unearthed at at-Tar Caves —. Al-Rāfidān 15, 1994: 73-76.
Fujii & Tokunaga 2007 Fujii, S. & Tokunaga, R. A Brief Report on Hismaic Inscriptions from Rūs Abū Ṭulayḥa in the Jafr Basin, Southern Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 51, 2007: 361-372.
Furlani 1946 Furlani, G. [Review of Littmann 1943 (LP)]. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 21, 1946: 105-109.
Furlani 1935 Furlani, G. Un'iscrizione di Sennacheribbo d'Assiria trovata a Kakzu. Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche 6, 10/11/2012, 1935: 475-478.
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Fussman & König 1997 Fussman, G. & König, D. Die Felsbildstation Shatial. with contributions by O. von Hinüber, T.O. Höllman, K. Jettmar,& N. Sims-Williams and forward by H. Hartmann. (Materialen zur Archäologie der Nordgebiete Pakistans, 2). Mainz: von Zabern, 1997.
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Gaballa 1986 Gaballa H.B. Case-Marking and Classical Arabic: A Semantic and Historiographic Study. A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the University of Delaware in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics.. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1986.
Gabrieli 1959 Gabrieli, F. (ed.) L'antica società beduina. Studies by W. Dostal, G. Dossin, M. Höfner, J. Henninger, F. Gabrieli. (Studi semitici, 2). Rome: Centro di Studi Semitici, Università di Roma, 1959.
Gabrieli 1959 Gabrieli, F. La letteratara beduina preislamica. Pages @ in F. Gabrieli (ed.), L'antica società beduina. (Studi semitici, 2). Rome: Centro di Studi Semitici, Università di Roma, 1959.