Reference Results
Displaying citations 6289 - 6312 of 14522 in total
Levine LI 1992 | Levine, Lee I. (ed.) The Galilee in late antiquity. xxiii-410 p. :. New York ; The Jewish theological seminary of America, , | |
Levine LD 1972 | Levine, L.D. Manahem and Tiglath-Pileser: a New Synchronium. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 206, 1972: 40-42. | |
Levine BA 2005 | Levine, B.A. Lexicographical and grammatical notes on the Palmyrene Aramaic texts. Pages 103-117 in E. Cussini (ed.), A Journey to Palmyra. Collected Essays to Remember Delbert R. Hillers. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 22). Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2005. | |
Levine BA 2003 | Levine, B.A. Epilogue . Pages 257-273 in L.H. Schiffman (ed.), Semitic Papyrology in Context. A Climate of Creativity. Papers from a New York University conference marking the retirement of Baruch A. Levine. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 14). Leiden: Brill, 2003. | |
Levine BA 2000 | Levine, B.A. The Various Workings of the Aramaic Legal Tradition: Jews and Nabataeans in the Naḥal Ḥever Archive. Pages 836-851 in L.H. Schiffman, E. Tov, & J.C. VanderKam (eds), The Dead Sea Scrolls Fifty Years after their Discovery. Proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society/The Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2000. | |
Levin A 2007 | Levin, A. The fundamental principles of the Arab grammarians' theory of ʿamal. Pages 205-223 in R. Baalbaki (ed.), The Early Islamic Grammatical Tradition. (The Formation of the Classical Islamic World, 36). Originally published in Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 19, 1995: 214–232. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007. | |
Levin A 1999 | Levin, A. The first book of Arabic dialectology: Sībawayhi's Al-Kitāb. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 23, 1999: 208-220. | |
Levin A 1996 | Levin, A. A Newly Discovered Ammonite Seal. Israel Exploration Journal 46, 1996: 243-247. | |
Levin A 1992 | Levin, A. The Authenticity of Sībawayhi's Description of the ʾImāla. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 15, 1992: 74-93. | |
Levin A 1991 | Levin, A. What is meant by al-mafʿūl al-muṭlaq. Pages 917-926 in A.S. Kaye (ed.), Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau. On the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz, 1991. | |
Levin A 1985 | Levin, A. The Distinction between Nominal and Verbal Sentences according to the Arab Grammarians. Zeitschrift für arabische Linguistik 15, 1985: 118-127. | |
Levin A 1978 | Levin, A. The ʾImāla of ʾAlif Fāʿil in Old Arabic. Pages 174-203(Israel Oriental Studies, 8). Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, 1978. | |
Levi della Vida & Guzzo 1987 | Levi della Vida, G. & Guzzo, M.G.A. Iscrizione puniche della Tripolitania (1927-1967). (Monografie di archeologia libica, 22). Roma: “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, 1987. | |
Levi della Vida 1970 | Levi della Vida, G. Punico mu, pronome interrogativo e relativo. Pages 274-276 in D. Cohen (ed.), Mélanges Marcel Cohen. Études de linguistique, ethnographie et sciences connexes offertes par ses amis et ses élèves à l'occasion de son 80ème anniversaire, avec des articles et études inédits de Marcel Cohen. (Janua Linguarum. Series Maior, 27). Den Haag Paris: Mouton, 1970. | |
Levi Della Vida 1944 | Levi Della Vida, G. Pre-Islamic Arabia. Pages 25-57 in N.A. Faris (ed.), The Arab Heritage. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1944. | |
Levi Della Vida 1938 | Levi Della Vida, Giorgio Les Sémites et leur rôle dans l'histoire religieuse: trois leçons au Collège de France. Annales du Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque de vulgarisation ; 1938, 53. 118 p. ;. Paris : P. Geuthner, , | |
Levi Della Vida 1938 | Levi Della Vida, G. Una bilingue greco-nabatea a Coo. Clara Rhodos 9, 1938: 139-148. | |
Levi Della Vida 1913-1942 | Levi Della Vida, G. Liḥyān. Pages 26-27Encyclopaedia of Islam. 3. Leiden: Brill, 1913-1942. | |
Levick 2000 | Levick, B. The Government of the Roman Empire. A Sourcebook. [1st ed. 1985]. London: Routledge, 2000 [2nd. ed.]. | |
Levias 1986 | Levias, C. A Grammar of Galilean Aramaic. xxxii-342 p. ;. New York: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1986. | |
Levias 1930 | Levias, C. A grammar of babylonian aramaic. The Publications of the Alexander Kohut Foundation. 394 p. ;. New York: The Alexander Kohut memorial foundation, 1930. | |
Levias 1900 | Levias, C. A grammar of the Aramaic idiom contained in the Babylonian Talmud: with constant reference to Gaonic Literature .. [1], vi, 255 p.. Cincinnati: Bloch Pub, 1900. | |
Lévêque 1987 | Lévêque, Pierre.Dir. Les Premières civilisations T.1: Des despotismes orientaux à la cité grecque. Peuples et civilisations. 627 p. :. Paris : Presses universitaires de France, , | |
Leveau & Palet Martinez 2010 | Leveau, P. & Palet Martinez, J.M. Les Pyrénées romaines, la frontière, la ville et la montagne. L'apport de l'archéologie du paysage. Pallas 82, 2010: 171-198. |