Reference Results
Displaying citations 6721 - 6744 of 14522 in total
Kraeling 1955 | Kraeling, C.H. [Review of Schlumberger 1951 (La Palmyrène du nord-ouest)]. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 14, 1955: 190-192. | |
Kraeling 1953 | Kraeling, E.G.H. The Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri. New Documents of the Fifth Century B.C. from the Jewish Colony at Elephantine. [Reprinted: Arno Press, 1969]. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press / London: Oxford University Press, 1953. | |
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Kouki 2012 | Kouki, P. The intensification of Nabataean agriculture in the Petra region. Pages 323-333 in M. Mouton & S.G. Schmid (eds), Man on the Rocks. The Formation of Nabataean Petra. Proceedings of a conference held in Berlin 2–4 December 2011. (Supplement to the Bulletin of Nabataean Studies, 1). Berlin: Logos, 2012. | |
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Korotayev 2001 | Korotayev, A.V. Some general trends and factors of evolution of North-East Yemen socio-political systems in the last three millennia. Raydān 7, 2001: 145-170. | |
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Korotayev 1998 | Korotayev, A. Individual and collective concerns of the Sabaeans in the first-fourth centuries AD: a quantitative analysis of the Middle Sabaic dedicatory inscriptions. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 28, 1998: 157-167. | |
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