Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 8377 - 8400 of 14487 in total
Littauer 2002 Littauer, M.A. Les premiers véhicules à roues. in P. Raulwing (ed.), M.A. Littauer & J.H. Crouwel Selected Writings on Chariots and Other Early Vehicles, Riding and Harness. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East, 6). Originally published in La Recherche 14 (no. 142/Mars), 1983: 334–345. Leiden: Brill, 2002.
Littauer 1976 Littauer, M.A. New Light on the Assyrian Chariot. Orientalia 45, 1976: 217-226, pl. 1-13.
Littauer 1977 Littauer, M.A. Rock Carvings of Chariots in Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Outer Mongolia. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 43, 1977: 243-262, pl. 18-19.
Little 1985 Little, D.P. Ḥaram Documents Related to the Jews of Late Fourteenth Century Jerusalem. Journal of Semitic Studies 30, 1985: 227-264.
Littleton 1995 Littleton, J. Empty Tombs? the Taphonomy of Burials on Bahrain. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 6, 1995
Littmann 1924 Littmann, E. ʿAin und die emphatischen Laute. Zeitschrift für Semitistik und verwandte Gebiete 2, 1924: 274-275.
Littmann 1949 Littmann, E. Arabic Inscriptions. Syria. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904–1905 and 1909. Division IV. Section D. Leiden: Brill, 1949.
Littmann 1953 Littmann, E. Arabische Hypokoristika. in 193-199, Studia Orientalia Ioanni Pedersen septuagenario A.D. VII Id. Nov. Anno MCMLIII a collegis discipulis amicis dicata. Hauniae: Munksgaard, 1953.
Littmann 1921 Littmann, E. Beduinen- und Drusen-Namen aus dem Ḥaurān-Gebiet. (Nachrichten der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse). Berlin: Weidmann, 1921.
Littmann 1955 Littmann, E. Bibliography. Pages 141-195 in R. Paret and A. Schall (eds.), Ein Jahrhundert Orientalistik Lebensbilder aus der Feder von E. Littmann und verzeichnis seiner Schriften zum achtzigsten Geburtstage am 16. September 1955. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1955.
Littmann 1926 Littmann, E. Der neuaramäische Dialekt vob Māʿlūlā. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 29, 1926: col. 803-809.
Littmann 1901 Littmann, E. Deux inscriptions religieuses de Palmyre, le dieu šyʿ-ʾlqwm. Journal asiatique 9th. series, 18, 1901: 374-390.
Littmann 1903 Littmann, E. Die Erwähnung eines Perserkrieges in den Ṣafā-Inschriften. Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archäologie 17, 1903: 379-385.
Littmann 1929 Littmann, E. Die vorislamisch-arabische Inschrift aus Umm iǧ-Ǧimāl. Zeitschrift für Semitistik und verwandte Gebiete 7, 1929: 197-204.
Littmann 1902 Littmann, E. Eine amtliche Liste der Beduinenstämme des Ostjordanlandes. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 24, 1902: 26-31.
Littmann n.d Littmann, E. & Harding, G.L. Letters between E. Littmann and G.L. Harding now in M.C.A. Macdonald's archive. n.d..
Littmann 1905 Littmann, E. [Inscription de Sîʿ], avec observation de C. Clermont-Ganneau. Revue archéologique 1, 1905: 409.
ZN Littmann 1905 Littmann, E. Inscriptions. pp. 400-410 in H.C. Butler and E. Littmann, Preliminary Report of the Princeton University Expedition to Syria. American Journal of Archaeology 2nd. series, 9, 1905: 389-410.
Littmann 1950 Littmann, E. Jesus in a Pre-Islamic Arabic Inscription. The Muslim World 40, 1950: 16-18.
Littmann & Magie 1921 Littmann, E. & Magie, D. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-1905 and 1909. Division III. Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Syria. Section A. Southern Syria. Part 7. The Ledjā.. Leyden: Brill, 1921.
Littmann, Magie, Stuart 1910 Littmann, E., Magie, D., Stuart, D.R. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-1905 and 1909. Division III. Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Syria. Section A. Southern Syria. Part 2. Southern Ḥaurân. Leyden: Brill, 1910.
Littmann, Magie, Stuart 1913 Littmann, E., Magie, D., Stuart, D.R. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-1905 and 1909. Division III. Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Syria. Section A. Southern Syria. Part 3. Umm idj-Djimâl. Leyden: Brill, 1913.
Littmann, Magie, Stuart 1913 Littmann, E., Magie, D., Stuart, D.R. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-1905 and 1909. Division III. Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Syria. Section A. Southern Syria. Part 4. Boṣrā. Leyden: Brill, 1913.
PUAES III A.5 Littmann, Magie, Stuart 1915 Littmann, E., Magie, D., Stuart, D.R. Publications of the Princeton University Archaeological Expeditions to Syria in 1904-1905 and 1909. Division III: Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Syria, Section A: Southern Syria, Part 5: Ḥaurân Plain and Djebel Ḥaurân. Leyden: Brill, 1915.