Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 8521 - 8544 of 14487 in total
Lundin 1990 Lundin, A.G. Al-madīnah wa-ʾl-dawlah fī ʾl-yaman: fī ʾl-ʾalf al-ʾawwal qabl al-mīlād. Al-Iǧtihād 7, 1990: 13-29.
Lundin 1997 Lundin, A.G. Das altsüdarabische Alphabet. Pages 229-233 in R.G. Stiegner (ed.), Aktualisierte Beiträge zum 1. Internationalen Symposion SÜDARABIEN interdisziplinär an der Universität Graz [15. - 17. November 1990]. mit kurzen Einführungen zu Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte. In Memoriam Maria Höfner. Graz: Leykam, 1997.
Lundin 1991 Lundin, A. G. Desifrovka protosinajskogo pisbma . 103 p. ;. Moskva : Hauka, ,
Lundin 1981 Lundin, A.G. Die arabischen Göttinnen Ruḍā und al-ʿuzzā. Pages 211-218 in R.G. Stiegner (ed.), Al-Hudhud. Festschrift Maria Höfner zum 80. Geburtstag. Graz: Karl-Franzens-Universität, 1981.
Lundin 1965 Lundin, A. G. Die Eponymenliste von Saba (aus dem Stamme Halil) . Sammlung Eduard Glaser V. (SitzungsberichteÖsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philos.-hist. Klasse, 248/1). Wien: Böhlaus, 1965.
Lundin 1997 Lundin, A.G. Die Inschriften des antiken Raybūn. Mare Erythraeum 1, 1997: 19-25.
Lundin 1997 Lundin, A.G. Die Ursprung des südarabischen Alphabets. Mare Erythraeum 1, 1997
Lundin 1997 Lundin, A.G. Eine Grabinschrift aus der Nekropole Raybūn XVI. Mare Erythraeum 1, 1997: 27-30.
Lundin & Frantsouzoff 1997 Lundin, A.G. & Frantsouzoff, S.A. An Inscribed Sabaean Bronze Altar from the British Museum. St. Petersburg Journal of Oriental Studies / Peterburgskoe Vostkovedenie 9, 1997: 384-391.
Lundin 1987 Lundin, A.G. Katabanskii dekrt o zemlepop´zovanii RES 3854. Vestnik Drevne Istorii 1987/3 [182], 1987: 43-61.
Lundin 1989 Lundin, A.G. Nadpisi Vnutrennego Khadramauta (obshchaya kharakterustuka). Vestnik Drevne Istorii 1989/2 [189], 1989: 142-148, pls 1-2.
Lundin 1988 Lundin, A.G. Novaya katabanskaya posvyatitel´naya nadpis´ Doe 2. Epigrafika vostoka 24, 1988
Lundin 1985 Lundin, A.G. Quelques lettres des alphabets sémitiques. Pages 239-244 in C. Robin (ed.), Mélanges linguistiques offerts à Maxime Rodinson par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis. (Comptes Rendus du Groupe Linguistique d'Études Chamito-Sémitiques. Supplément, 12). Paris: Geuthner, 1985.
Lundin 1994 Lundin, A.G. Reigiya i kultura drevnego Yemena [Religion and Culture of Ancient Yemen]. Pages 185-201 in E.E. Kormisheva and A.V. Sedov (eds), Krasnomorskie Zametki. I [Red Sea Essays. I]. Papers on the History of Civilisation of the Ancient Southern Arabia. [In Russian]. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1994.
Lundin 1988 Lundin, A.G. Sabaean City Sanʿa in the 1st to VIth Centuries A.D.. Pages 39-48 in S. Ya. Bersina (ed.), Ancient and Mediaeval Monuments of Civilization of Southern Arabia. Investigation and Conservation Problems. A Collection of articles based on materials of the conference on “Conservation and restoration of Old Sanʿa and other ancient and mediaeval monuments of civilization of Southern Arabia” held in November 1985 in State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow. Tran. Moscow: Nauka, 1988.
Lundin 1987 Lundin, A.G. Sabeiskii Dekret o zemlepol´zovanii iz khadakana. Palestinskij Sbornik 29, 1987: 91-100.
Lundin 1989 Lundin, A.G. Tashlichka 12 Beth-Shemesha. A Tablet from Beth-Shemesh. Vestnik Drevne Istorii 1989/1 [188], 1989: 144-150.
Lundin 1987 Lundin, A.G. Ugaritic Writing and the Origin of the Semitic Consonantal Alphabet. Aula Orientalis 5, 1987: 91-99.
Lundin 1961 Lundin, A.G. Yuzhnaya Araviya v VI veke [Southern Arabia in the VIth century]. Palestinskii Sbornik 8 [71], 1961: Whole volume.
Lundin 1971 Lundin, A. R. Gosudarstvo mykarribov Saba' [= L'Etat des Mukarrib de Saba]. 300 p. :. Moscou : Nauka, ,
Lundin Lundin = Loundine
Lüpke 1913 Lüpke, Theodor von Profan- und Kultbauten Nordabessiniens: aus Älterer und Neuerer Zeit. Deutsche Aksum-Expedition ; 3. 112 p.-xi f. de pl.-[1] carte :. Berlin : G. Reimer, ,
Luraghi n.d. Luraghi, N. Local scripts from nature to culture. [Unpublished] Paper read at the conference on "Alphabetic Responses to Western Semitic Writing", organized under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Oxford, held at St. Hilda's College, Oxford, 1st-3rd July 2004. n.d..
Luraghi 2010 Luraghi, N. The Local Scripts from Nature to Culture. Classical Antiquity 29, 2010: 68-9, figs 1-9.