Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 865 - 888 of 14487 in total
Ampolo 1988 Ampolo, C. Rome archaïque: une société pastorale?. Pages 120-133 in R. Whittaker (ed.), Pastoral Economics in Classical Antiquity. Cambridge: Cambridge Philological Society, 1988.
Amr 1987 Amr, A.-J. An ammonite votive dolomite statue. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 119, 1987: 33-38.
Amr 1988 Amr, A.-J. Four Unique Double-faced Female Heads from the Amman Citadel. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1988 @, 1988: 55-63.
Amr 1983 Amr, Kh. The Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of Some Sherds and Clay Samples from the Wadi Musa Area and Firing Tests Carried Out on the Clay Samples. (Synopses of papers delivered at) The Second International Conference on the History and Archeology of Jordan, Amman 4-11 April 1983. 1983.
ʿAmr 1991 ʿAmr, Kh. The Petra National Trust Site Projects: Preliminary Report on the 1991 Season at Zurrabah. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 35, 1991: 313-323.
Amr, Zayadine, Zaghloul1995 Amr, Kh., Zayadine, F., Zaghloul, M. (eds.) Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan. V. Art and Technology throughout the Ages. (Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, 5). Amman: Department of Antiquities, 1995.
ʿAmr 1992 ʿAmr, K. Islamic or Nabataean? The Case of a First to Early Second Century AD Cream Ware. Pages 221-225Studies in the History and Archeology of Jordan. 4. Amman: Department of Antiquities / Lyon: Maison de l'Orient méditerranéen, 1992.
Amundsen 1935 Amundsen, L. Greek Ostraca in the Univesrity of Michigan Collection. Part I. Texts. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1935.
Amy 1976 Amy, R. Remarques sur la construction du temple de Bel. Pages 53-68 in @, Palmyre bilan et perspectives. Colloque de Strasbourg,18-20 octobre 1973. (Travaux du Centre de Recherche sur le Proche-Orient et la Grèce antiques, 3). Strasbourg: AECR, 1976.
Anani & Whittingham 1986 Anani, A. & Whittingham, K. The Early History of the Gulf Arabs. London: Longman, 1986.
Anati 1968 Anati, E. Anatolia's Earliest Art. Archaeology 21, 1968: 22-35.
Anati 1955 Anati, E. Ancient Rock Drawings in the Central Negev. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1955: 49-57.
Anati 1978 Anati, E. Évolution et style de l'art rupestre du Val Camonica. (Archivi, 6). [french translation of italian original of 1973]. Capo di Ponte: Edizioni del Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici, 1978.
Anati 1986 Anati, E. Har Karkom: The Mountain of God. New York: Rizzioli, 1986.
Anati 1984 Anati, E. Jebel ʿIdeid (Har Karkom). Revue biblique 91, 1984: 277-280.
Anati 1979 Anati, E. L'Art rupestre Negev et Sinaï. Translated by P. Messana. (Les Traces de l'homme). Paris: L'Équerre, 1979.
Anati 1977 Anati, E. Methods of Recording and Analysing Rock Engravings. (Studi Camuni, 7). Capo di Pontre, Brescia: Edizioni del Centro, 1977.
Anati 1963 Anati, E. Palestine before the Hebrews: a history, from the earliest arrival of man to the conquest of Canaan. New Yor : Knopf, 1963.
Anati 1968-1974 Anati, E. Rock-Art in Central Arabia. Expédition Philby-Ryckmans-Lippens en Arabie. Ière Partie: Géographie et archéologie. (4 volumes). (Bibliothèque du Muséon, 50 (vols 1–2, 1968)). Volumes 3 (1972) and 4 (1974): Corpus of the Rock Engravings (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 4, 6). Louvain : Institut Orientaliste, 1968-1974.
Anati 1956 Anati, E. Rock Engravings from the Jebel Ideid (Southern Neger). Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1956: 5-13, pl. I-IV.
Anati 1955 Anati, E. Rock Engravings in the Central Negev. Archaeology 8, 1955: 31-42.
Anati 1954 Anati, E. Rock Engravings in the Central Negev. Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 18, 1954: 245-254, pl.11-12.
Anati 1999 Anati, E. The Rock Art of the Negev Desert. Near Eastern Archaeology 62: 1, 1999: 22-34.
Anbar 1991 Anbar, M. Les tribus amurrites de Mari. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis. Series Archaeologica, 108). Freiburg: Universitätsverlag / Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1991.