Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 73 - 96 of 14487 in total
Abdel-Ghani 2012 Abdel-Ghani, M.E. Al-imbarāṭūr "fīlīb al-ʿarabiyy" fī ʾl-maṣādir al-rūmāniyyah. Ruʾyah naqdiyyah li-ʾl-ʿunṣuriyyah al-rūmāniyyah. Pages 255-2875 in A. Al-Helabi, D.G. Letsios, M. Al-Moraekhi, & A. Al-Abduljabbar (eds), Al-ǧazīrat al-ʿarabiyya wa-ʾl-yūnān wa-bīzanṭah. Al-tawāṣil al-ḥaḍāriyy ʿabr al-ʿuṣur al-qadīmah wa-ʾl-wasīṭah. English summary in volume 2, p. 402: "The Emperor Philip the Arab in the Roman Sources: A Critical View". I. Book title: Arabia, Greece and Byzantium. Cultural Contacts in Ancient and Medieval Times. Riyadh: King Saud University, 2012.
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Abdelrahman 2012 Abdelrahman, M.N. Mulāḥaẓāt ḥawl al-ṣarāʿ bayn al-ʾimbaraṭūriyyah al-bīzanṭiyyah wa-ʾl-furs ʿalā ṭarīq al-ḥarīr al-ǧanūbiyy ḫilāl ʿahd al-imbirāṭūr ǧustiniyān 527–565 m.. Pages 363-376 in A. Al-Helabi, D.G. Letsios, M. Al-Moraekhi, & A. Al-Abduljabbar (eds), Al-ǧazīrat al-ʿarabiyya wa-ʾl-yūnān wa-bīzanṭah. Al-tawāṣil al-ḥaḍāriyy ʿabr al-ʿuṣur al-qadīmah wa-ʾl-wasīṭah. English summary in volume 2, pp. 404-405: "The Conflict between the Byzantine Empire and the Persians on the South Silk Route during the Reign of Justinian I (527–565)". 1. Book title: Arabia, Greece and Byzantium. Cultural Contacts in Ancient and Medieval Times. Riyadh: King Saud University, 2012.
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