Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 9985 - 10008 of 14487 in total
Nilus 1865 Nilus/Possinus, P. Nili Monachi Eremitae Narrationes quibus caedes monachorum Montis Sinae et captivitas Theoduli ejus filii describuntur. edited by Petrus Possinus. (Patrologiae Graecae, 79). Paris: Migne, 1865.
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Nodelman 1960 Nodelman, S.A. A Preliminary History of Characene. Berytus 13, 1960: 83-121.
Nodet 1998 Nodet, E. “Les nazoréens”: Discussion. Revue biblique 195, 1998: 263-265.
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Noja Noseda 2005 Noja Noseda, S. From Syriac to Pahlavi: The Contribution of the Sassanian Iraq to the Beginning of the Arabic Writing. in K-H. Ohlig & G-R. Puin (eds), Die dunklen Anfänge. Neue Forschungen zur Entstehung und frühen Geschichte des Islams. Berlin: Schiler, 2005.
Noja Noseda 2006 Noja Noseda, S. L'origine della scrittura araba da quella dei nabatei: un'ipotesi da smontare. Pages 535-553 in P.G. Borbone, A. Mengozzi, & M. Tosco (eds), Loquentes linguis. Studi linguistici e orientali in onore di Fabrizio A. Pennacchietti. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2006.
Noja Noseda 2007 Noja Noseda, S. Našʾat al-kitābat alʿarabiyyah min al-ʿirāq al-sāsānī : al-ittiǧāh al-raʾsī li-l-kitābah fī ʾl-bidāyah wa-ʾl-intisāb al-maṣā˝Ḥif ḏāt al-kitābat al-hiǧāziyyah ilā ʾl-qurn al-hiǧrī al-awwal. (Studi Arabo Islamici). Lesa: Fondazione Ferni Noja Noseda, 2007.
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Noja Noseda n.d Noja Noseda, S. The puzzling name of the “valley of Ṭuwā” in the Koran (XX, 12 – LXXIX, 16) is it a calque of the Biblical Hebrew Ḥorev?. [No indication of where it was published. Housed in ‘Unpublished typescripts’ box file]. n.d..
Noja 1993 Noja, S. A Further Discussion of the Arabic Sentence of the 1st Century A.D. and its Poetical Form. Pages 183-188 in R. Contini, F.A. Pennachietti, M. Tosco (eds), Semitica. Serta philologica Constantino Tsereteli dicata. Torino: Zamorani, 1993.
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Noja 1996 Noja, S. L'alfabeto degli Omeriti nei manoscitti dell'Amrosiana e altro. Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. Rendiconti, Classe di Lettere e Scienze Morali e Storiche 130, 1996: 429-443.
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