Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 10177 - 10200 of 14487 in total
Ossel & Ouzoulias 2001 Ossel, P. van & Ouzoulias, P. La mutation des campagnes de la Gaule du nord entre le milieu du III÷ siècle et le milieu du V÷ siècle. Où en est-on?. Pages 231-245 in M. Lodewijckx (ed.), Belgian Archaeology in a European Setting. II. (Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia. Monographiae, 13). Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2001.
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Ostrasz 1969 Ostrasz, A. Note sur le plane de la partie médiane de la rue principale de Palmyre. Annales archéologiques de Syrie 19, 1969: 109-120.
Otzen 1990 Otzen, Benedikt P.J. Riis et M.L. Buhl, HAMA II, 2les objets de la période dite syro-hittite ;. The Aramaic Inscriptions. p. 267-318 ;. Kobenhavn : Nationalmuseet, ,
Ouhalla 2009 Ouhalla, J. Variation in Genitive Noun Phrases: Moroccan Arabic, Shamaliya Arabic and Spanish Arabic. Pages 195-215 in J.C.E. Watson & J. Retsö (eds), Relative Clauses and Genitive Constructions in Semitic. (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 25). Oxford: Oxford University Press for the University of Manchester, 2009.
Ouzoulias & Tranoy 2010 Ouzoulias, P. & Tranoy, L. (eds) Comment les Gaules devinrent romaines. Paris: La Découverte, 2010.
Ovadiah & Roll 1988 Ovadiah, A. & Roll, I. A Greek Dedicatory Inscription to ʿAzizos. Israel Exploration Journal 38, 1988: 177-189, pl. 27.
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Overstreet 1973 Overstreet, W.C. Contributions to the Prehistory of Saudi Arabia I. (Field Research Projects, Occasional Paper, 76). Miami, 1973.
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