Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 10561 - 10584 of 14487 in total
Pittman & Aruz Pittman, H. & Aruz, J. Ancient Art in Miniature: Near Eastern Seals from the Collection of Martin and Sarah Cherkasky. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art,
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Pocock 1661 Pocock, E. Lamiatoʾl Ajam, Carmen Tograi, Poetae Arabis Doctissimi; Unà Cum versione Latina, & notis praxin illius exhibentibus. Acessit Tractatus de Prosodia Arabica. Oxonii: Davis, 1661.
Pococke 1743-1745 Pococke, R. A Description of the East, and Some other Countries. (2 volumes). London: Bowyer, 1743-1745.
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Pognon 1907 Pognon, H. Inscriptions sémitiques de la Syrie, de la Mésopotamie et de la région de Mossoul . 225 p.-XLII pl. ;. Paris : Imprimerie nationale, ,
Pohl 1950 Pohl, A. Das Kamel in Mesopotamien. Orientalia 19, 1950: 251-253.
Pohl 1952 Pohl, A. Nochmals das Kamel in Mesopotamien. Orientalia 21, 1952: 373-374.
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Poidebard 1938 Poidebard, A. Il limes romano in Siria. Il Limes Romano VI. (Quaderni dell'Impero, 16). Istituto di Studi Romani, 1938.
Poidebard 1934 Poidebard, A. La trace de Rome dans le désert de Syrie. (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 18). Paris, 1934.
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Poidebard 1931 Poidebard, A. Recherches sur le Limes romain: Campagne d'automne 1930. Syria 12, 1931: 274-280.
Poidebard 1928 Poidebard, A. Reconnaissance aérienne au Ledjâ et au Ṣafâ (mai 1927). Syria 9, 1928: 114-123, pls 40-47.
Pokrandt 2014 Pokrandt, J. Water management of a Late Chalcolithic pastoral culture in Jordan's south-eastern desert: case study of Qulban Beni Murra. Levant 46:2, 2014: 268-184.
Poliak 1938 Poliak, A.N. L'arabisation de l'Orient Sémitique. Revue des études islamiques 12, 1938: 35-63.
Politis 2010 Poliits, K.D. Ancient Landscapes of the Ghor es-Sāfi: Surveys and Excavations 1997–2009. ACOR Newsletter 22.2, 2010
Politis Politis, K.D. Biblical Zoar. The looting of an ancient site. Minerva
Politis 1999 Politis, K. D. Khirbet Qazone. Une nécropole nabatéenne à la mer Morte. Le monde de la Bible 121, 1999: ?.
Politis 2007 Politis, K.D. Nabataean Cultural Continuity into the Byzantine period. Pages 187-200 in K.D. Politis (ed.), The World of the Nabataeans. Volume 2 of the International Conference The World of the Herods and the Nabataeans held at the British Museum, 17–19 April 2001. (Oriens et Occidens. Studien zu antiken Kulturkontakten und ihrem Nachleben, 15). Stuttgart: Steiner, 2007.
Politis 1995 Politis, K.D. New Greek Inscriptions in the Byzantine Hermitage at Qaṣr aṭ-Ṭūba on the Lisān. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 39, 1995: 556-559.
Politis & O'Hea 2009 Politis, K.D. & O'Hea, M. Ghawr aṣ-Ṣāfī Survey and Excavations 2008–2009. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 53, 2009: 297-309.