Reference Results
Displaying citations 10705 - 10728 of 14521 in total
den Heijer 2012 | Heijer, J. den Towards an inventory of middle and mixed Arabic features: The inscriptions of Deir Mar Musa (Syria) as a case study.. Pages 157-173 in L. Zack & A. Schippers (eds), Middle Arabic and Mixed Arabic. Diachrony and Synchrony. Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2012. | |
den Heijer 2011 | Heijer, J. den Une inscription fatimide de la mosquée d'Ibn Ṭūlūn au Caire. Essai d'interprétation paléographique, philologique et historique. Comptes-rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Letters 155: 2, 2011: 951-973. | |
den Heijer 2008 | Heijer, J. den Religion, ethnicity and gender under Fatimid rule, three recent publications and their wider research context. Bibliotheca Orientalis 65: 1-2, 2008: 38-72. | |
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Dempsey 1993 | Dempsey, D. An Ostracon from Tall Nimrīn. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 289, 1993: 55-58. | |
De Martino 1912 | De Martino, Giacomo La Somalia italiana: nei tre anni del mio governo. 211 p.-xiii cartes :. Roma : C. Colombo, 1912., | |
de Maigret & Robin 2006 | de Maigret, A. & Robin, C.J. Tamnaʿ, antica capitale di Qatabān / Tamnaʿ, capitale antique de Qatabān. (Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archaeological Research, 3). Ṣanʿāʾ: Italian Archaeological Mission in the Republic of Ymen, 2006. | |
De Maigret & Robin 1993 | De Maigret, A. & Robin, C.J. Le temple de Nakraḥ à Yathill (aujourd'hui Barāqish), Yémen, résultats des deux premières campagnes de fouilles de la mission italienne. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres 1993: 427-496. | |
De Maigret & Robin 1989 | De Maigret, A. & Robin, C.J. Les fouilles italiennes de Yalâ (Yémen du nord) : nouvelles données sur la chronologie de l'Arabie du sud préislamique. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres 1989: 255-291. | |
de Maigret 2005 | de Maigret Recent Discoveries in the “Market Square” of Tamnaʿ. Pages 346-353 in A.V. Sedov & I.M. Smulyanskaya (eds), Arabia Vitalis: Arabskii Vostok, islam, drevnyaya Araviya: Sbornik Naychnykh statei, posvyashchennyi 60-letiyu V.V. Naumkina. Moscow: Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, 2005. | |
de Maigret 2005 | Maigret, A. Some Reflections on the South Arabian Bayt. Pages 101-110(Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 10). Mainz am Rhein: von Zabern, 2005. | |
de Maigret 2004 | de Maigret, A. New stratigraphical data for the ancient chronology of Tamnaʿ. Pages 242-256 in A.V. Sedov (ed), Scripta Yemenica. Issledovaniya po Yuzhnoi Aravii. Sbornik nauchnykh statei v chest´ 60-letiya M.B. Piotrovskogo. Moskva: Iédatelé skaya Firma "Vostochnaya Literatura" RAN, 2004. | |
de Maigret 2003 | de Maigret, A. La route caravanière de l'encens dans l'Arabie préislamique. Éléments d'information sur son itinéraire et sa chronologie. Chroniques Yéménites 11, 2003: 1-7 (?). | |
De Maigret 2002 | De Maigret, A. Arabia Felix. An exploration of the archaeological history of Yemen. Translated from the Italian by R. Thompson. Originally published as Arabia Felix — un Viaggio nell'Archeologia dello Yemen (Rusconi Libri, 1996). Translated from the Italian by R. Thompson. London: Stacey International, 2002. | |
De Maigret 1999 | De Maigret, A. The Arab nomadic people and the cultural interface between the 'Fertile Crescent' and 'Arabia Felix'. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 10, 1999: 220-224. | |
De Maigret 1997 | De Maigret, A. The Frankincense Road from Najrān to Maʿān: a Hypothetical Itinerary. Pages 315-329, and one folding map in A. Avanzini (ed.), Profumi d'Arabia. Atti del convegno. (Saggi di Storia Antica, 11). Roma: “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, 1997. | |
De Maigret 1996 | De Maigret, A. I dati degli scavi yemeniti per un'ipotesi sull'origine della “cultura sudarabica”. in C.J. Robin and I. Gajda (eds), Arabia Antiqua. Early Origins of the South Arabian States. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Conservation and Exploitation of the Archaeological Heritage of the Arabian Peninsula Held in the Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, by IsMEO on 28th-30th May 1991. (Serie Orientale Roma, 70.1). Roma: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1996. | |
De Maigret 1994 | De Maigret, A. Alcune considerazioni sulle origini e lo sviluppo dell'arte sudarabica. Pages 142-159 in N. Nebes (ed.), Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit von R. Richter, I. Kottsieper und M. Maraqten. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994. | |
De Maigret 1993 | De Maigret, A. La seconda campagna di scavi della Missione Archeologica Italiana a Barāqish (Yemen 1992). con una nota di G. Gnoli. (Conferenze IsMEO, 6). Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1993. | |
De Maigret 1990 | De Maigret, A. The Bronze Age Culture of Ḫawlān aṭ-Ṭiyāl and al-Ḥadā (Republic of Yemen). A First General Report. Contributions by S. Bökönyi, B. Castiello, L. Constantini, F. di Mario, F.G. Fedele, V. Francaviglia, A. Gianni, B. Marcolongo, A.M. Palmieri, A. Zarattini (Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, Centro Studi e Scavi archeologici). (2 volumes). Roma: IsMEO, 1990. | |
De Maigret 1988 | De Maigret, A. (ed.) The Sabaean archaeological complex in the Wadi Yala: (eastern Hawlan at-Tiyal, Yemen Arab Republic): a preliminary report . Reports and Memoirs / Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente. Centro studi e scavi archeologici ; 21. XVII-59-[38] p.-36 fig.-56 pl. ;. Rome : Ismeo, 1988., 1988. | |
Delrue 2007 | Delrue, P. Flip the coin. Preliminary results of compositional EDX analyses on south-east Arabian coins from ed-Dur (Umm al-Qaiwain, UAE). Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 37, 2007: 79-92. | |
Delrue 2007 | Delrue, Parsival Flip the coin. Preliminary results of compositional EDX analyses on south-easth Arabian coins from ed-Dur (Umm al-Qaiwain, UAE). Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 37, 2007: 1-14. | |
Delrue 2006 | Delrue, P. Ring-pommel daggers from ed-Fur (Umm al-Qaiwain, U.A.E.): An archaeometallurgical and typological analysis. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 17, 2006: 201-213. |