Reference Results
Displaying citations 11017 - 11040 of 14521 in total
Crone 2008 | Crone, P. “Barefoot and Naked”: What did the Bedouin of the Arab Conquests Look Like?. Muqarnas 25, 2008: 1–10. | |
Crone 2007 | Crone, P. Quraysh and the Roman army: Making sense of the Meccan leather trade. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 70, 2007: 63-88. | |
Crone 2006 [2008] | Crone, P. Imperial Trauma: The Case of the Arabs. Common Knowledge 12:1, 2006 [2008]: 107-116. | |
Crone 1998 | Crone, P. The ʿAbbāsid Abnāʾ and Sāsānid Cavalrymen. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland Series 3, 8, 1998 | |
Crone 1993 | Crone, P. Tribes and States in the Middle East. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 3rd series, 3, 1993: 353-376. | |
Crone 1992 | Crone, P. Serjeant and Meccan Trade. "Review Article" of R.B. Serjeant's Review Article. Arabica 39, 1992: 216-240. | |
Crone 1987 | Crone, P. Roman, Provincial and Islamic Law. The Origins of the Islamic Patronate. Cambridge studies in islamic civilization [Proof Copy]. Cambridge: CUP, 1987. | |
Crone 1987 | Crone, P. Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam. Oxford: Blackwell, 1987. | |
Crone 1986 | Crone, P. The Tribe and the State. Pages 48-77 in J.A. Hall (ed.), States in History. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. | |
Crone 1984 | Crone, P. Jāhilī and Jewish Law: The Pasāma. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 4, 1984: 153-201. | |
Crone 1980 | Crone, P. Islam, Judeo-Christianity and Byzantine Iconoclasm. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 2, 1980: 59-95. | |
Criscuolo 2013 | Criscuolo, A. La polarizzazzione semantica della radice semitica QWL. Folia Orientalia 50, 2013: 317-322. | |
Cribiore 2009 | Cribiore, R. Education in the Papyri. Pages 320-337 in R.S. Bagnall (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. | |
Cribb & Potts 1996 | Cribb, J. & Potts, D.T. Chinese coin finds from Arabia and the Arabian Gulf. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 7, 1996: 197-118. | |
Cribb 1991 | Cribb, R. Nomads in Archaeology. (New studies in archaeology). Cambridge: CUP, 1991. | |
CRES.T | [Taymanitic and Hismaic & Thamudic inscriptions published in the reports on the Comprehensive Rock Art and Epigraphic Survey of Saudi Arabia (CRES) and other articles: CRES.T 1-15 in CRES I; CRES.T 46-50 in CRES II; CRES.T 51-77 in CRES III; CRES.T 78-82 . | |
Cresswell 1951 | Cresswell, K.A.C. The Kaʿba in A.D. 608. Archaeologia 94, 1951: 97-102. | |
Crespi 1994 | Crespi, G. Gli Arabi cristiani. Pages 199-210 in S. Noja (ed.), I primi Arabi. (Corpus Arabicum). Milano: Jaca Book, 1994. | |
Credner 1841 | Credner [Review of Beer 1840 (BIVL)]. Heidelberger Jahrbücher der Literatur 57-58, 1841: 908-927. | |
Creason 2007 | Creason, S. PQD Revisited. Pages 27-42 in C.M. Miller (ed.), Studies in Semitic and Afroasiatic Linguistics Presented to Gene B. Gragg. (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization, 60). Chicago: Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2007. | |
Creason 2004 | Creason, S. Aramaic. Pages 391–426 in R.D. Woodard (ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. | |
Crawford & Sindi 1996 | Crawford, H. & Sindi, Kh.M. al- A “Hut-pot” in the National Museum, Bahrain. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 7, 1996: 140-142. | |
Crawford & Sindi 1995 | Crawford, H. & Sindi, Kh. al- A Seal in the Collections of the National Museum, Bahrain. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 6, 1995 | |
Crawford OGS 1954 | Crawford, O.G.S. Desert kites. Antiquity 28, 1954: 165-167. |