Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 1153 - 1176 of 14487 in total
Avanzini 1978 Avanzini, A. Le iscrizioni dedicatorie sabee. Egitto e Vicino Oriente 1, 1978: 179-185.
Avanzini 1991 Avanzini, A. Linguistic data and historical reconstruction between Semitic and Epigraphic South Arabian. Pages 107-118 in A.S. Kaye (ed.), Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991.
Avanzini 1989 Avanzini, A. L'onomastica sudarabica antica del III secolo dopo Cristo. Pages 89-118 in A. Avanzini (ed.), Problemi di onomastica semitica meridionale. (Seminari di orientalistica, 1). Pisa: Giardini, 1989.
Avanzini 2003 Avanzini, A. L'unité du sudarabique épigraphique : certitudes et limites. Arabia 1, 2003: 27-38.
Avanzini & Marassini Avanzini, A., Marassini, P. South Arabian and Ethiopic Lexicography. Pages 161-181 in P. Fronzaroli (ed), Studies on Semitic Lexicography. (Quaderni di Semitistica, 2). 1973.
Avanzini 2008 Avanzini, A. Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashshurʾil. Pages 609-641 in A. Avanzini (ed.), A. Avanzini (ed.)Arabi Antica 5. (Arabia Antica, 5). Roma: "L'Erma" di Bretschneider, 2008.
Avanzini 1996 Avanzini, A. Notes on Epigraphic South Arabian Verbs. 1. Quaderni di Studi Arabi 14, 1996: 165-178.
Avanzini & Orazi 2001 Avanzini, A. & Orazi, R. The construction phases of Khor Rori's monumental gate. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 12, 2001: 249-259.
Avanzini 2009 Avanzini, A. Origin and classification of the Ancient South Arabian languages. Journal of Semitic Studies 54, 2009: 205-220.
Avanzini, Prioletta & Rossi 2014 Avanzini, A., Prioletta, A. & Rossi, I. The Digital Archive for the Study of Pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions: an ERC project. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 44, 2014: 15-24.
Avanzini 1996 Avanzini, A. Sabaʾ and the beginning of epigraphic documentation of the Jawf. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 7, 1996: 63-68.
Avanzini & Sedov 2005 Avanzini, A. & Sedov, A.V. The stratigraphy of Sumhuram: new evidence. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 35, 2005
Avanzini 2005 Avanzini, A. Some brief observations on Qatabanic verb system and on the relationship between the Ancient South Arabian and the Modern South Arabian. Pages 318-323 in A.V. Sedov & I.M. Smulyanskaya (eds), Arabia Vitalis: Arabskii Vostok, islam, drevnyaya Araviya: Sbornik Naychnykh statei, posvyashchennyi 60-letiyu V.V. Naumkina. Moscow: Rossiiskaya Akademiya Nauk, 2005.
Avanzini 2005 Avanzini, A. Some thoughts on ibex on plinths in early South Arabian art. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 16, 2005: 144-153.
Avanzini 2018 Avanzini, A. The formularies and their historical implications: Two examples from Ancient South Arabian epigraphic documents. Pages 96–115 in L. Nehmé & A.Al-Jallad (eds), To the Madbar and back again. Studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia dedicated to Michael C. A. Macdonald. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 92). Leiden: Brill, 2018.
Avanzini 2004 Avanzini, A. The Qatabānic inscription in the museum of Seyūn. Pages 102-111 in A.V. Sedov (ed), Scripta Yemenica. Issledovaniya po Yuzhnoi Aravii. Sbornik nauchnykh statei v chest´ 60-letiya M.B. Piotrovskogo. Moskva: Iédatelé skaya Firma "Vostochnaya Literatura" RAN, 2004.
Avanzini 2012 Avanzini, A. The Sabaean Presence in Jawf in the Eighth-Seventh Centuries BC. Notes on the Oldest Phase of Ancient South Arabian Culture and Its Relationship with Mesopotamia. Pages 37-52 in G.B. Lanfranchi, D.M. Bonacossi, C. Pappi,. & S. Ponchia (eds), Leggo! Studies Presented to Frederick Mario Fales on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2012.
Avanzini 1994 Avanzini, A. Un'iscrizione qatabanica da Ṯāh. Pages 13-20 in N. Nebes (ed.), Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit von R. Richter, I. Kottsieper und M. Maraqten. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.
Avdiev 1960 Avdiev, V. L'origine de l'écriture en ancienne Égypte. XXV Congrès International des Orientalistes. Conférences présentées par la Délégation de l'URSS. [republished with new pagination]. Moscou: Éditions de Littérature Orientale, 1960.
Avigad, Berlinger & Silberstein 1963 Avigad, B, Berlinger, S, & Silberstein, Z. Trees and shrubs in Israel = Arbres et arbustes d'Israël: twenty seven wild trees and shrubs = vingt sept arbres et arbustes des champs. Haifa: Departement de l'Education, 1963.
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Avigad 1950 Avigad, N. A Gezer Stamp. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 1950 @, 1950: @-49.
Avigad 1960 Avigad, Nahman A Dated lintel-Inscription from the Ancient Synagogue of Nabatein . Bulletin of Louis Rabinowitz Fund for the Exploration of Ancient Synagogues 3, 1960: 49-56, 1 pl..
Avigad 1970 Avigad, N. Ammonite and Moabite Seals. Pages 284-295 in J.A. Sanders (ed.), Near Eastern Archaeology in the 20th Century: Essays in Honor of Nelson Glueck. Essays in Honor of Nelson Glueck. New York: Doubleday, 1970.