Reference Results

Displaying citations 12481 - 12504 of 14520 in total
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BES24s BES24s Inscriptions documented during the summer season of the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2024
BES23 BES23 Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2023 and published here
BES20 BES20 Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2020 and published here
BES19s BES19s Inscriptions recorded during the summer season of the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2019
BES19 Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2019 and published here
BES18 BES18 Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2018 and published here
BES17 BES17 Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2017 and published here
BS BES15 Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2015 and published here
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