Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 1273 - 1296 of 14487 in total
Bafaqih 2001 Bafaqih, M.A. Anmār yuhaʾmin qaylan wa-malikan wa-aḥwāl ʿaṣri-hi. Raydān 7, 2001: 45-54.
Bafaqih 1979 Bafaqih, M.A. ʿArab al-šamāl wa-ʿarab al-ǧanūb. Al-Turāth 3, 1979: 90-118.
Bafaqih 2001 Bafaqih, M.A. ʿAudah ilā naqš ʿabadān al-kabīr (2). Raydān 7, 2001: 29-44 [Arabic section].
Bafaqih & Batayi 1994 Bafaqih, M.A. & Batayi, A.A. Deux nouvelles inscriptions d'al-Ḥadd (de Ḫawlān walad ‘Amm et Sufar) . Raydān 6, 1994: 89-103 [Arabic Section] and 2 plates @.
Bafaqih & Batayiʿ 2001 Bafaqih, M.A. & Batayiʿ, A.A. Nuqūš uḫrā fī ʾl-ḥadd. Raydān 7, 2001: 66-76 [Arabic Section].
Bafaqih, Beeston, Robin, Ghul 1985 Bafaqih, M.A., Beeston, A.F.L., Robin, C, Ghul, M.A. al- Muḫtārāt min al-nuqūš al-yamaniyyat al-qadīmah. Tūnis: Al-munaẓẓamat al-ʿarabiyyah li-l-tarbiyah wa-ʾl-ṯaqāfa wa-ʾl-ʿulūm, 1985.
Bafaqih 1994 Bafaqih, M.A. Ḏū yaġruw wa-amīr wa-ḥanān fī ḍauʾ al-nuqūš. Pages 21-38 in N. Nebes (ed.), Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Unter Mitarbeit von R. Richter, I. Kottsieper und M. Maraqten. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1994.
Bafaqih 1994 Bafaqih, M.A. Inscriptions et interprétations. Raydān 6, 1994: 6-22, pl. 1-4 p. 23-26 [Arabic Section].
Bafaqih 1994 Bafaqih, M.A. Karib Il Watar Yuhan‘im I et le premier État d'Arabie (nouvelles hypothèses de travail). Raydān 6, 1994: 32-56 [Arabic Section].
Bafaqih 1994 Bafaqih, M.A. Le contenu de l'inscription al-Mi‘sāl 5. Raydān 6, 1994: 57-77 [Arabic Section] and 5 plates @.
Bafaqih 1990 Bafaqih, M.A. L'unification du Yémen antique. La lutte entre Sabaʾ, Ḥimyar et le Ḥaḍramawt du Ier au IIIème siècle de l'ère chrétienne. (Bibliothèque du Raydān, 1). Paris : Geuthner, 1990.
Bafaqih 1987 Bafaqih, M.A. Min al-ǧuḏūr al-muštaraka bayna ʿarabiyyat al-nuqūš wa-l-ʿarabiyyat al-fuṣḥà. Pages 7-12 [Arabic section] in C. Robin and M.A. Bafaqih, Ṣayhadica. Recherches sur les inscriptions de l'Arabie préislamique offertes par ses collègues au Professeur A.F.L. Beeston. (L'Arabie préislamique, 1). . Paris: Geuthner, 1987.
Bafaqih 2001 Bafaqih, M.A. Nuqūš wa-dalālāt (2). Raydān 7, 2001: 10-28 [Arabic section].
Bafaqih 1985 Bafaqih, M.A. Taʾrīḫ al-yaman al-qadīm. Bayrūt: al-muʾassasat al-ʿarabiyya li-l-dirāsāt wa-l-našr, 1985.
Bafaqih 1978 Bafaqih, M.A. The Enigmatic Rock Drawings of Yaṯūf Jirdān: Notes and Observations. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 8, 1978: 5-14.
Bafaqih 1997 Bafaqih, M.A. The Fortress of Kadur. Pages 217 in R.G. Stiegner (ed.), Aktualisierte Beiträge zum 1. Internationalen Symposion SÜDARABIEN interdisziplinär an der Universität Graz [15. - 17. November 1990]. mit kurzen Einführungen zu Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte. In Memoriam Maria Höfner. Graz: Leykam, 1997.
Bafaqih 1994 Bafaqih, M.A. Une inscription qatabānite qui mentionne le domaine de ‘Amm et Anbay. Raydān 6, 1994: 27-31 [Arabic Section] and 1 plate @.
Bafaqih 2001 Bafaqih, M. Ḏū Samāwī wa-abʿād ḥarami-hi fī Šuẓayf. Raydān 7, 2001: 55-65.
Bagnall 1985 Bagnall, R.S. Agricultural Productivity and Taxation in Later Roman Egypt. Transactions of the American Philological Association 115, 1985: 289-308.
Bagnall 1993 Bagnall, R.S. An Arsinoite Metropolitan Landowning Family of the Fourth Century . Papyrologica Lupiensia [Papiri Documentari Greci] 2, 1993: 97-101.
Bagnall 1992 Bagnall, R.S. An Owner of Literary Papyri. Classical Philology 87, 1992: 137-140.
Bagnall 1977 Bagnall, R.S. Bullion Purchases and Landholding in the Fourth Century. Chronique d'Égypte 52, 1977: 322-336.
Bagnall 1995 Bagnall, R.S. Charite's Christianity. Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 32, 1995: 37-40.
Bagnall 1987 Bagnall, R.S. Church, State and Divorce in Late Roman Egypt. Pages 41-61 in K.-L Selig & R. Somerville (eds), Florilegium Columbianum: Essays in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller. Reprinted with the same pagination and addenda in R.S. Bagnall, Later Roman Egypt: Society, Religion, Economy and Administration, IV. (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS758). Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003.. New York: Italica, 1987.