Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 13417 - 13440 of 14487 in total
Ullendorff E 1992 Ullendorff, E. Some Observations on the Dativus Ethicus in Semitics and Elsewhere. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 15, 1992
Ullendorff E 1965 Ullendorff, E The Form of the Definite Article in Arabic and Other Semitic Languages. Pages 631-637 in G. Makdisi (ed.), Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of H.A.R. Gibb. Leiden: Brill, 1965.
Ullendorff E 1951 Ullendorff, E. The Obelisk of Maṭara. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1951: 26-32, pl. III.
Ullendorff E 1955 Ullendorff, E. The Origin of the Ethiopic Alphabet. Bibliotheca Orientalis 12, 1955: 217-219.
Ullendorff E 1978 Ullendorff, E. The Semitic Basis of the Amharic Lexicon. Some General Observations. Pages 275-279 in P. Fronzaroli (ed.), Atti del secondo congresso internazionale di linguistica camito-semitica. Firenze, 16-19 aprile 1974. (Quaderni di Semitistica, 5). Fifrenze: Istituto di linguistica e di Lingue Orientali, Università di Firenze, 1978.
Ullendorff E 1962 Ullendorff, E. Ugaritic Marginalia II. Journal of Semitic Studies 7, 1962: 339-351.
Ullendorff E 1958 Ullendorff, E. What is a Semitic Language?. Orientalia 27, 1958: 66-75.
Ullmann 1970- Ullmann, M. (ed.) Wörterbuch der Klassischen Arabischen Sprache. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1970—.
Ulrich 2011 Ulrich, B. Oman and Bahrain in Late Antiquity: the Sasanians' Arabian periphery. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 41, 2011: 377-386.
Ulrich 2008 Ulrich, B. The Azd migrations reconsidered: narratives of ʿAmr Muzayqiya and Mālik b. Fahm in historiographic context. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 38, 2008: 311-318.
Umayr & Al-Ḏīyīb [Al-Theeb] 1998 Umayr, A.I. & Al-Ḏuyayb [Al-Theeb], S.A. Al-nuqūš wa-ʾl-rusūm al-ṣaḫriyyah bi-ʾl-ǧiwāʾ fī minṭaqat al-qaṣīm. Addarah 23: 2, 1998: 107-210.
Umir et al. 2006 Umir, A.I. et al. Ḥafriyyat madīnat qurḥ (al-mābbiyyāt) al-islāmiyyah bi-muḥāfaẓat al-ʿulà al-mawsim al- li-ʿām 1425 h. / 2004 mawwal . Atlal 19, 2006: 217-252 [Arabic], pls 10.1-10.27.
Unger 1957 Unger, Merrill F. Israel and the arameans of Damascus: a study in archaeological illumination of Bible history. 189 p. ;. London : J. Clarke, ,
Ungnad / Matouš 1979 Ungnad, A. Grammatik des Akkadischen. Völlig neubearbeitet von L. Matouš. Fünfte, durchgesehene Auflage der Babylonisch-Assyrischen Grammatik Arthur Ungnads. München: Beck, 1979 (5th. edition).
Ungnad 1911 Ungnad, Arthur Aramäische Papyrus aus Elephantine: kleine Ausgabe unter Zugrundelegung von Eduard Sachau's Erstausgabe . Hilfsbücher zur Kunde des Alten Orients ; 4. VIII-119 p. ;. Leipzig : J. C. Hinrichs, ,
Ungnad 1909 Ungnad, A. Untersuchungen zu den im VII. Hefte der Vorderasiatischen Schriftdenkmäler veröffentlichten Urkunden aus Dilbat. nebst einem Anhang: Die Zücke in der Gesetzesstele Hammurapis. (Beiträge zur Assyriologie und semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, VI/5). Leipzig: Hinrischs / Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 1909.
ThajH Unpublished Hasaitic inscription from Thaj on a photograph by the Department of Antiquities of Saudi Arabia (no. 23.3) belonging to MCAM.
WDedanL Unpublished Liḥyanite inscription from Wadi Dedan on a photograph by the Department of Antiquities of Saudi Arabia (no.25c) in MCAM's collection.
H unp H unp Unpublished readings and translations of Ancient North Arabian inscriptions by G. Lankester Harding
Diyatheh [Unpublished] Safaitic inscription from al-Diyatheh to be published by the SD.
JQ [Unpublished] Safaitic inscription from Jabal Qara, Saudi Arabia to be published by the SD.
Betts [Unpublished] Safaitic inscriptions discovered in N.E. Jordan by A.V.G. Betts and to be published by the SD.
KhGM [Unpublished Safaitic inscriptions found by F. Khraysheh in Ghadīr al-Milḥ, Jordan along with one published in KhNSU].
GLHRamm [Unpublished] Thamudic E inscription photographed [CS] in Wadi Ramm by GLH and to be published by the SD .