Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 14065 - 14088 of 14487 in total
Willmet 1784 Willmet, I. Lexicon Linguae Arabicae in Coranum Haririum et Vitam Timuri. Rotterodami: Hake, 1784.
Wilmsen 2013 Wilmsen, D. More on the Arabic object marker iyyā: Implications for the origin of the Semitic notae accusativi. Folia Orientalia 50, 2013: 67-82.
Wilson A 1927 Wilson, A. A Periplus of the Persian Gulf. Geographical Journal 69, 1927: 235-259, pl. 1-4.
Wilson, Nabulsi, Schönrock-Nabulsi & Ghigham 2012 Wilson, B., Nabulsi, A.J., Schönrock-Nabulsi, P. & Ghigham, T.F. Excavation of Animal Burial in a Tomb from the Ancient Khirbet es-Samrâ Cemetery in Jordan. Pages 349-361 in B. Ramminger & H. Lasch (eds), Hunde - Menschen - Artefakte. Gedenkschrift für Gretel Gallay. Randen: Marie Leidorf, 2012.
Wilson C 1900 Wilson, C. Inscriptions from Kerak. Quarterly Statement. Palestine Exploration Fund 1900: 69-73.
Wilson CW 1899 Wilson, C.W. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Fund. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 1899: 304-316.
Wilson EL 1885 Wilson, E.L. A Photographer's Visit to Petra. The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine 31 [NS 9], 1885
Wilson EL 1891 Wilson, E.L. In Scripture Lands. New Views of Sacred Places. London: the Religious Tract Society, 1891.
Wilson J 1847 Wilson, J. The Lands of the Bible Visited and Described in an Extensive Journey Undertaken with Special Reference to the Promotion of Biblical Research and the Advancement of the Cause of Philanthropy. (2 volumes). Edinburgh: Whyte, 1847.
Wilson RTO 1989 Wilson, R.T. O. Gazetteer of Historical North-West Yemen in the Islamic Period to 1650. (Arabistische Texte ind Studien, 3). Hildesheim: Olms, 1989.
Wilson RTO 1995 Wilson, R.T.O. Some Notes on the Arabic Historiography of Tihāma in the Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Periods. Arabian archaeology and epigraphy 6, 1995: 277-285.
Winckler 1901 Winckler, H. Kuturgeschichtlich -mythologische Untersuchung: Arabisch - Semitisch - Orientalisch. Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft 4, 1901: 1-223.
Winckler 1904 Winckler, H. North Arabia and the Bible: A Defence. The Hibbert Journal 2, 1904: 571-590.
Winckler 1900 Winckler, H. Šams = Göttin. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 54, 1900: 408-420.
Winckler 1905 Winckler, Hugo Auszug aus der vorderasiatischen Geschichte. Hilfsbücher zur Kunde des Alten Orients ; 1905, 2. 86 p. ;. Leipzig : J. C. Hinrichs, ,
Winckler 1907 Winckler, Hugo Die Babylonische Geisteskultur: in ihre Beziehungen zur Kulturentwicklung der Menschheit. Meyer, 1907.. Leipzig : Quelle, 1907.
Winckler 1889 Winckler, Hugo Untersuchungen zur altorientalischen Geschichte. ix-157 p. ;. Leipzig : E. Pfeiffer, ,
Winckler 1894 Winckler, H. ZurGeschichte des Judentums in Jemen. Pages 329—336Altorientalische Forschungen. 1. Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1894.
Winckler 1898 Winckler, H. Zu semitischen Inschriften. 1. Die grabinschrift von Petra. 2. Die inschrift von Limyra (CIAr. 100). 3. CIAr. 164.. Pages 60-64Altorientalische Forschungen. 2. Reihe, Band 1. Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1898.
Winkler 1938-1939 Winkler, H.A. Rock Drawings of Southern Upper Egypt. Sir Robert Mond Desert Expedition, Preliminary Report. (2 volumes). (Archaeological Survey of Egypt, Memoirs, [26-27]). London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1938-1939.
Winkler H 1898 Winkler, H. CIAr. 164 [= CIS ii 164] (Zu semitischen Inschriften, 3). Altorientalische Forschungen. 02/01/2012. Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1898.
Winkler H 1898 Winkler, H. Die grabinschrift [sic] von Petra (Zu semitischen Inschriften, 1). Pages 60-63Altorientalische Forschungen. 02/01/2012. Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1898.
Winkler H 1898 Winkler, H. Die inschrift [sic] von Limyra (CIAr. 109) [= CIS ii 109] (Zu semitischen Inschriften, 2). Altorientalische Forschungen. 02/01/2012. Leipzig: Pfeiffer, 1898.
Winnett Winnett 1946 Winnett, F.V. A Himyaritic Inscription from the Persian Gulf Region. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 102, 1946