Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 14185 - 14208 of 14487 in total
Wright TF 1895 Wright, T.F. The Julian inscription in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 1895: 124-126.
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Wright W 1895 Wright, W. An Account of Palmyra and Zenobia with Travels and Adventures in Bashan and the Desert. London: Nelson, 1895.
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Wüstenfeld 1853 Wüstenfeld, H.F. Abu Bekr Muhammed ben el-Hasan Ibn Doreid's. Genealogish-etymologisches Handbuch aus den Handschriften der Univ.-Bibliothek zu Leyden. 2 volumes in one. Göttingen, 1853.
Wüstenfeld 1876 Wüstenfeld, H.F. Das geographische Wörterbach des Abu ʾObeid ʾAbdallah ben ʾAbd el-ʾAziz el-Bekrí. Nach den Handschriften zu Leiden, Cambridge, London und Mailand herausgegeben. Göttingen, 1876.
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Wüstenfeld 1846 Wüstenfeld, H.F. Jacut's Moschtarik, das ist: Lexicon geographischer Homonyme , aus den Handschriften zu Wien und Leyden herausgegeben. Göttingen, 1846.
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Wuthnow 1930 Wuthnow, H. Die semitischen Menschennamen in griechischen Inschriften und Papyri des vorderen Orients. (Studien zur Epigraphik und Papyruskunde, 1.4). Leipzig: Dieterich, 1930.
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Wyatt 1995 Wyatt, N. Jonathan's Adventure and a Philological Conundrum. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 127, 1995: 62-69.
Wyrwoll 1997 Wyrwoll, T.W. Zur Verbreitung des Wilden Wasserbüffels (Bubalus arnee) auf der Arabischen Halbinsel. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 147, 1997: 480-485.
Yaccob 2008 Yaccob, A.R. British policy on Arabia before the First World War: an internal argument. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 38, 2008: 319-326.
Yadin 1962 Yadin, Y. A Further Note on the Samaria Ostraca. Israel Exploration Journal 12, 1962: 64-66.
Yadin 1969 Yadin, Y. An Inscribed South-Arabian Clay Stamp from Bethel?. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 196, 1969: 37-45.
Yadin 1972 Yadin, Y. A Note on the Bilingual Ossuary-Inscription from Khirbet Zif. Israel Exploration Journal 22, 1972: 235-236.
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Yadin 1962 Yadin, Y. Expedition D — The Cave of Letters. Israel Exploration Journal 12, 1962: 227-257, pl. 46-48.
Yadin, Greenfield & Yardeni 1994 Yadin, Y, Greenfield, J.C. & Yardeni, A. Babatha's Ketubba. Israel Exploration Journal 44, 1994: 75-99.
Yadin, Greenfield, Yardeni, Levine 2002 Yadin, Y., Greenfield, J.C., Yardeni, A., Levine, B.A. (eds) The Documents from the Bar Kokhba Period in the Cave of Letters. Hebrew, Aramaic and Nabatean-Aramaic Papyri. with additional contributions by H.M. Cotton & J. Naveh. Research editor A.Gross. Consulting editors H.M. Cotton, G. Khan, J. Naveh, L. Schiffmann. (2 volumes). (Judaean Desert Studies, 3). Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society/Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University/Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, 2002.
Yadin, Naveh, Meshorer 1989 Yadin, Y., Naveh, J., Meshorer, Y. Masada I. The Yigael Yadin Excavations 1963-1965. Final reports. The Aramaic and Hebrew Ostraca and Jar Inscriptions. The Coins of Masada. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989.