Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Reference Results

Displaying citations 14353 - 14376 of 14487 in total
Zarins 1990 Zarins, J. Early Pastoral Nomadism and the Settlement of Lower Mesopotamia. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 280, 1990: 31-65.
Zarins 1982 Zarins, J. Early Rock Art of Saudi Arabia. Archaeology @, 1982: 20-27.
Zarins 1986 Zarins, J. Equids Associated with Human Burials in Third Millennium B.C. Mesopotamia: Two Complementary Facets. Pages 164-193 in R.H. Meadow & H.-P. Uerpmann (eds), Equids in the Ancient World. I. (Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Otients. Reihe A, Naturwissenschaften, 19:1). Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1986.
Zarins, Ibrahim, Potts, Edens 1979 Zarins, J., Ibrahim, H., Potts, D., Edens, C. Comprehensive Archaeological Survey Program: Preliminary Report on the Survey of the Central Province 1978. Atlal 3, 1979
Zarins, Ibrahim, Whalen, Morad, Khan 1980 Zarins, J., Ibrahim, H., Whalen, N., Morad, A., Khan, M. Comprehensive Archaeological Survey Program: Preliminary Report of the Central South-Western Provinces Survey. Atlal 4, 1980
Zarins 1997 Zarins, J. Mesopotamia and Frankincense: the Early Evidence. Pages 251-272, and one folding map in A. Avanzini (ed.), Profumi d'Arabia. Atti del convegno. (Saggi di Storia Antica, 11). Roma: “L'Erma” di Bretschneider, 1997.
Zarins, Mughannum, Kamal 1984 Zarins, J., Mughannum, A.S.,Kamal, M. Excavations at Dhahran South- The Tumuli Field (208-91), 1403 A.H. 1983. A Preliminary Report. Atlal 8, 1984: 25-54, pl. 18-59.
Zarins, Murad, Yaish 1981 Zarins, J., Murad, A., Yaish, K. al- The Second Preliminary Report on the Southwestern Province. Atlal 5, 1981
Zarins 1992 Zarins, J. Pastoral Nomadism in Arabia: Ethnoarchaeology and the Archaeological Record. A Case Study. Pages 219-240 in O. Bar-Yosef and A.M. Khazanov (eds.), Pastoralism in the Levant: Archaeological Materials in Anthropological Perspectives. (Monographs in World Archeology, 10). Madison, WI: Prehistory Press, 1992.
Zarins 1997 Zarins, J. Persia and Dhofar: Aspects of Iron Age International Politics and Trade. Pages 615-689 in G. D. Young, M. W. Chavalas, R. E. Averbeck (eds), Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons. Studies in Honor of Michael C. Astour on His 80th Birthday. Bethesda, Maryland: CDL Press, 1997.
Zarins, Rahbini,Kamal 1982 Zarins, J., Rahbini, A.,Kamal, M. Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Survey of the Riyadh Area. Atlal 6, 1982: 25-38.
Zarins 1979 Zarins, J. Rajājīl: A Unique Arabian Site from the Fourth Millennium B.C.. Atlal 3, 1979: 73-77.
Zarins 1978 Zarins, J. Typological Studies in Saudi Arabian Archaeology: Steatite Vessels in the Riyadh Museum. Atlal 2, 1978: 65-93.
Zatelli 1998 Zatelli, I. The Origin of the Biblical Scapegoat Ritual: the Evidence of Two Eblaite Texts. Vetus Testamentum 48, 1998: 254-263.
Zawadzki 2000 Zawadzki, S. A Neo-Babylonian Tablet with Aramaic Caption. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 90, 2000: 219-222.
Zawadzki 1995 Zawadzki, S. Note 54. Is there a document dated to the reign of Bardiya II (Vahyazdāta)?. N.A.B.U. 1995: 46.
Zawadzki 1995 Zawadzki, S. Note 55. Chronology of the reigns of Nebuchadnezzar III and Nebuchadnezzar IV. N.A.B.U. 1995: 48.
Zayadine 2005 Zayadine, F. Al-Khazna, the Treasury Re-Visited. A Forgotten Document of Leon de Laborde. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 49, 2005: 395-401.
Zayadine 1976 Zayadine, F. A Nabataean Inscription from Beida. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 21, 1976: 139-142.
Zayadine 2007 Zayadine, F. A Nabataean Inscription from Southern Jordan with An Excursus on the Expedition of Aelius Gallus into Arabia. Journal of Epigraphy and Rock Drawings 1, 2007
Zayadine 2007 Zayadine, F. A Nabataean Inscription from Southern Jordan with an Excursus on the Expedition of Aelius Gallus into Arabia. Journal of Epigraphy and Rock Drawings 1, 2007: 9-18.
Zayadine 1971 Zayadine, F. A New Commemorative Stele at Petra. Perspective 12, 1971: 57-73.
ZSI Zayadine 1980 Zayadine, F. A Safaitic Inscription in the Amman Archaeological Museum. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 24, 1980: 107-109.
Zayadine 1986 Zayadine, F. A Symposiarch from Petra. Pages 465-474 in L.T. Geraty & L.G. Herr (eds), The Archaeology of Jordan and Other Studies Presented to Siegfried H. Horn Professor Emeritus of Archaeology and History of Antiquity Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1986.