C 4568
Text Information
- Siglum
- C 4568
- Alternative Sigla
- Dussaud M 664
- Transliteration
l rḍwt bn ʿbṯ ( ) b{n} ʾḥlm ḏ- (ʾ)(l) ʿwḏ w (b)(n)(y) (l-) bʿls¹mn ṣrt s¹nt ḥ----
- Translation
By Rḍwt son of ʿbṯ son of ʾḥlm of the lineage of ʿwḏ and {he built} {for} Bʿls¹mn a structure the year ----
- Language and Script
- Safaitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- C: w wʿ(d) bʿls¹mn ṣrt "and he dedicated to Bʿls¹mn a drawing" for w (b)(n)(y) (l-) bʿls¹mn ṣrt "and {he built} {for} Bʿls¹mn a structure on high ground".
- [Dussaud M] Dussaud, R. & Macler, F. Mission dans les régions désertiques de la Syrie moyenne. Extrait des /Nouvelles Archives des Missions Scientifiques/, t. X [p. 405-744, ps. 1-31 ]. Paris: Imprimerie nationale / Leroux, 1903.
- [King Archive] Inscriptions recorded by the late Geraldine King which were found in her archive after her death and are published here
- [C] Ryckmans, G. Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum: Pars Quinta, Inscriptiones Saracenicae Continens: Tomus I, Fasciculus I, Inscriptiones Safaiticae. Paris: E Reipublicae Typographeo, 1950–1951.
- Site
- Ġadīr al-Darb, Al-Suwaydāʾ (al-Sweidah) Governorate, Syria
- Date Found
- 1901
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subjects
- Building, Date (s¹nt), Genealogy, Lineage, Structure
- #0007772
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16 Sep, 2024