Text Information
- Siglum
- WAMS 1
- Alternative Sigla
- NSR 1.1
- Transliteration
l wtr fty ʾḫ bn qdm w ts²wq ʾl- ʾrs² bnt ʾḫt -h w ʾl ḥnn w ʾl- ʿm f h lt w ds²r s¹lm {w} qbl{l} {ḏ-} {ʾ}l blqy
- Translation
By Wtr the young servant of ʾḫ son of Qdm and he longed for ʾrs² the daughter of his sister and for Ḥnn and for ʿm and so O Lt and Ds²r [grant] security {and} a reunion with loved ones {he of} {the lineage of} Blqy
- Language and Script
- Safaitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- WAMS: s¹lm w qbll ḏ- ʾl blqy "[grant] the members of the tribe of Balqī security and acceptance". NSR 1.1: as WAMS. JMAA VII p. 135 n. 97: s¹lm w qbll ḏ- ʾl blqy "[grant] the safety and welcome of the tribe Blqy". ATNS 1: as WAMS but ḏ- ʾl blqy has been read after qdm as well as at the end and w ʾl- ʿm f h lt has been omitted.
- Commentary
- It appears that the author gave his lineage at the end of the text rather than after the genealogy, as sometimes happens. WAMS's translation would require s¹lm w qbll l- ḏ ʾl blqy and Jamme's assumes the use of ḏ as a genitive particle for which there is no evidence in Safaitic. [MCAM]
- Editio Princeps
- NSR 1a
- Technique
- Incised?
- Direction of Script
- Boustrophedon
- Associated Signs
- 7 lines
- Associated Inscriptions
- [NSR] Abdallah, Y.M. Al-nuqūsh al-ṣafawiyya fī maǧmūʿat ǧāmiʿat al-riyāḍ ʿām 1966. M.A.Thesis, American University of Beirut, 1970. [Unpublished]. 1970.
- [ATNS] Abdallah, Y.M. Ṯalāṯa nuqūsh ṣafawiyyah min ʿArʿar wa-Badanah. Maǧallat kulliyyat al-ādāb, ǧāmi‘at Ṣan‘ā’ 3, 1979: 61-77.
- [JaL] Jamme, A. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe VII. Washington, DC: [privately produced], 1974.
- [WAMT] Winnett, F.V. An Arabian Miscellany. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 31 [N.S. 21], 1971: 443-454, pls 1-14.
- Site
- Near ʿArʿar, Northern Borders Province, Saudi Arabia
- Date Found
- 1966
- Current Location
- The Kamal Collection, Zaḥrān
- Subjects
- Deity, Genealogy, Isolated Prayer, Lineage, Slave, Women, Yearning
- #0003159
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16 Sep, 2024