Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

U 037

Text Information

U 037
ʾrs²/bn zdlh/w bn -h/gffh ʾfyw/[ẓ][l][l] h- nq l- ḏġbt
ʾrs² son of Zdlh and his son Gffh accomplished {the ẓll-ceremony} of the top of the mountain for Ḏġbt


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT Line 4. Sima does not restore the word ẓll. TRANSLATION Line 4. ʾfyw, Sima: 'they maintained ????'. DISCUSSION Hidalgo-Chacón Díez 2016: 128, for the divine name Ḏġbt.
Line 4. We have restored [ẓ][l][l] before h- nq since this phrase occurs in other texts (see AH 001, 032, 081, 225, U 119), though note that in AH 197 we find ḥggw h-nq "they performed the pilgrimage of the mountain top". H-nq here and in the other texts can either be a place name or a common noun comparable to the Arabic word nīq ‘mountain-top’. The phrase ẓl[l] h- nq, literally "the ẓll-ceremony of the mountain top" could therefore mean either "the ẓll-ceremony performed on the mountain top" (as we have translated it) or "the ẓll-ceremony of the mountain top" implying that there was a special form of the ceremony for performance on the mountain top. Given that the inscriptions mentioning h-nq are located on the way up Jabal ʿIkmah or at the top of Jabal Umm Daraǧ, this interpretation seems appropriate and it seems unlikely that nq in these cases would refer to the sacrifice of female camels (nāq or nūq).

Al-ʿUḏayb (Jabal ʿIkmah). The inscription is incised on one side of the huge rock, which Stiehl (1971: 4) called 'Block A'
Original Reading Credit
Original Translation Credit


Associated Inscriptions
It is below U 036 and above U 038

  • Sima, A. Die lihyanischen Inschriften von al-ʿUḏayb (Saudi-Arabien). (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 1). Rahden/Westf.: Leidorf, 1999. pp 15 Plate 8b, 29a, 29b
  • Stiehl, R. Neue liḥyānische Inschriften aus al-ʿUḏaib I mit einem Nachtrag M. Höfners. Pages 3-40, 565-566, 569-594, pl. 1-45 in F. Altheim and R. Stiehl (eds), Christentum am Roten Meer. 1. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1971. p 4
  • Hidalgo-Chacón Díez. M. del C. The divine names at Dadan: a philological approach. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 46, 2016: 125–136
The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
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In situ
Deity, Genealogy, Relatives, Religion, Topographic features
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