Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

U 079bis

Text Information

U 079bis
w----t/bld ʾ– ----l/hẓll/h- ẓ– ll//b- bṯ– r/bʿd/n{ḫ}l -h w dṯʾ -h/b- ḏʿmn l- ḏġbt f rḍ -hm w ʾṯb -hm
W----t Bld ʾ– ---- performed the ẓll-ceremony at Bṯ– r for the sake of his {palm trees} and his crops of the season of the later rains in Ḏʿmn for Ḏġbt and so favour them and reward them


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT Lines 1–3. Sima does not read the first line, the beginning of the second and part of the third. Some letters are illegible. Line 4. Sima reads m of the pronoun plural. Line 5. Sima restores [m] of the pronoun plural and he does not read the end of this line. Lines 6–7. TRANSLATION Lines 2–3. hẓll h- ẓll, Sima: '(he) covered the water-channel ----'. Lines 4–5. bʿd n{ḫ}l -h w dṯʾ -h, Sima: 'in the direction of his palm garden [and his] spring field'. DISCUSSION Hidalgo-Chacón Díez 2014: 15, 19–20, for the place names Bṯr and Ḏʿmn. Hidalgo-Chacón Díez 2016: 128, for the divine name Ḏġbt.
Lines 2–3. Note hẓll for the more common ʾẓll. The verb hẓll means "he performed the ẓll-ceremony", the exact nature of which we do not know. Usually, but not always, this verb is followed by the noun h-ẓll meaning "the ẓll-ceremony". Thus, hẓll and hẓll h-ẓll both mean "he performed the ẓll-ceremony" Lines 4–7. Note that the 3rd person enclitic pronouns in lines 6–7 are in the plural, even though the verb (in line 2) and the enclitic pronouns in lines 4–5 are in the singular. Line 7. Below the beginning of line 7 there are three letters which can be read as ʿtk. It is not certain what these signify or whether they are part of this text. The letters ʿr{g} are carved immediately below the end of line 7 touching the bases of the b and h. Again their significance is unknown.

Al-ʿUḏayb (Jabal ʿIkmah). The inscription is chiselled on a rock inside the gorge
Original Reading Credit
Original Translation Credit


Associated Inscriptions
It is to the left of U 073

  • Sima, A. Die lihyanischen Inschriften von al-ʿUḏayb (Saudi-Arabien). (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 1). Rahden/Westf.: Leidorf, 1999. pp 25 Plate 18a, 18b, 19a, 28a
  • Hidalgo-Chacón Díez, M. del C. Place names in the Dadanitic inscriptions of al-ʿUḏayb. Adumatu 30, 2014: 15-30
  • Hidalgo-Chacón Díez. M. del C. The divine names at Dadan: a philological approach. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 46, 2016: 125–136
The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
Current Location
In situ
Agriculture, Deity, Isolated Prayer, Place-name, Religion, Season
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