Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

AH 226

Text Information

AH 226
Alternative Sigla
TMLT no. 2
[----] ---- ḏ ndm/ḥ{g}– [w] ---- [b-] [h-] mṣd/ḥgt/---- ---- b- tḥfy/ʾqd ---- w ʾḫrt -hm/w s¹– ---- [n][t] ʿs²rn/w ʾrbʿ/24 ---- [t][l]ymy/bn/hnʾs¹/m{l}[k] ---- l[ḥ][y][n]
[----] ----of the lineage of Ndm performed ---- on the high [red] mountain the pilgrimage ---- ---- on the two sides of the mountain(?) offered ---- and their posterity and ----- twenty-four 24 ---- {Tlmy} son of Hnʾs¹ {king} of {Lḥyn}


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT Line 2. Abū l-Ḥasan does not restore [w] at the beginning of this line. Line 3. Abū l-Ḥasan followed by Al-Turkī: b- tḥby rather than b- tḥfy. Line 4. Abū l-Ḥasan followed by Al-Turkī: [f rḍ -hm] at the beginning of this line. Line 5. Abū l-Ḥasan followed by Al-Turkī: [ʿd -hm s¹nt] at the beginning of this line.
The inscription is broken on the right side and at the top. Line 3. b- tḥfy. The word ḥwf is found in Canaanite ḥōp 'river, border', Arabic ḥāfat, ḥifāf and ḥāffat 'border, ḥāyif 'side of a mountain', Qatabanian ḥwf 'border' (Cohen, Bron & Lonnet 1970–: 849). Line 7 is incised. In Classical Arabic (Lane 1863-1893: 2719b), the word maṣad means, among other things "a mountain top", or "a place of refuge". On the other hand, Abū l-Ḥasan (2002: 36–37) translates is as 'the high red mountain'. According to him, this meaning is consistent with the red colour of the Jabal Umm Daraǧ where the inscription has been found.

Jabal Umm Daraǧ
Original Reading Credit
Original Translation Credit

Mixed relief & incised

  • Abū ʾl-Ḥasan, Ḥ.ʿA.D. Nuqūš liḥyānīyah min minṭaqat al-ʿulā. (Dirāsah taḥlīliyyah muqāranah). al-Riyāḍ: Wizārat al-maʿārif, 2002. pp 116–119
  • Al-Turkī, H.M. Al-malik al-liḥyānī (tlmy bn hnʾws) ruʾyah min ḫalāl al-nuqūš. Maǧallat ǧāmiʿat al-malik saʿūd 25: al-siyāḥah wa-ʾl-āṯār 1, 1434/2013: 73-83. No. 2 pp 77
  • Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon, Derived from the Best and Most Copious Eastern Sources. (Volume 1 in 8 parts [all published]). London: Williams & Norgate, 1863-1893.
  • Cohen, D., Bron, F., Lonnet, A. Dictionnaire des racines sémitiques: ou attestées dans les langues sémitiques: comprenant un fichier comparatif de Jean Cantineau. Paris: Mouton (fascs. 1-2) / Leuven: Peeters (fascs 3–), 1970–.
The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
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In situ
Date (s¹nt), Historical, Lineage, Religion, Topographic features
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