JSLih 053
Text Information
- Siglum
- JSLih 053
- Alternative Sigla
- D 012, Scagliarini 1994: 222–227, no. 18, Al-Qudrah 1993: 46, no. 133, CLL 022, Grimme 1937: 297–298
- Transliteration
----[h]nʾs¹ / bn / s²hr ----
---- [m]lk{t} / lḥyn / ʾṣ{f}----
---- gbl / s²mt / zkr / n----
----l / w rtm / w brlh / {w}----
[----]OCIANA - Translation
By / son of / [----]
----{Hnʾs¹} son of S²hr ----
---- {queen} of Lḥyn {ʾṣf}----
---- lord of S²mt, may he be remembered (?) n----
----l and Rtm and Brlh {and} ----
[----]OCIANA - Language and Script
- Dadanitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- TEXT Line 1. Grimme: w---- at the end of this line. Line 2. Grimme followed by Caskel and Al-Qudrah: mlky rather than [m]lk{t}; Farès-Drappeau: ----lkt for [m]lk{t}; Grimme: ʾṣ[h]---- rather than ʾṣ{f}----; Al-Qudrah: s¹---- rather than ʾṣ{f}----; Farès-Drappeau: ʾṣ---- rather than ʾṣ{f}----. Line 3. Jaussen & Savignac: mbl for bgl and nḫs¹ rather than n----; Grimme: ḫmt for s²mt and n[ḫ]---- for n----; Scagliarini: nḫ(s²) rather than n----. Line 4. Grimme: l rtg w gll d[dn] ---- rather than ----l w rtm w brlh {w}----; Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah and Scagliarini: ---- ḏ (?) l w rtg for ---- l w rtm; Farès-Drappeau: trg rather than trm. TRANSLATION Lines 2–3. Scagliarini: 'king (?) of Liḥyān ---- the mountain s²mt zkr ----; Farès-Drappeau: 'king of Lḥyn lord of S²mt remembered'. Lines 2–4. Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah: 'the two kings of Liḥyan brought ---- to the mountain with the red streak ---- and a portal and coverage ----'. DISCUSSION Déroche 1987: 197, 199.
- Commentary
- Line 3. Zkr in the Northwest Semitic inscriptions 'remember' (Hoftijzer & Jongeling 1995: 321-329), for Arabic ḏkr and the occurrences in other Semitic languages (see Cohen 1970-: 332–333).
- Editio Princeps
- Technique
- In relief
- Direction of Script
- Horizontal line right to left
- Al-Qudrah, Ḥ.M. Dirāsah muʿǧamiyyah li-ʾlfāẓ al-nuqūš al-liḥyāniyyah fī iṭār al-luġāt al-sāmiyyah al-ǧanūbiyyah. Unpublished MA Thesis, Epigraphy Section, Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, Irbid. 1993.
- [CLL] Caskel, W. Lihyan und Lihyanisch. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Geisteswissenschaften, 4). Köln: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1954. pp 86–87
- Cohen, D., Bron, F., Lonnet, A. Dictionnaire des racines sémitiques: ou attestées dans les langues sémitiques: comprenant un fichier comparatif de Jean Cantineau. Paris: Mouton (fascs. 1-2) / Leuven: Peeters (fascs 3–), 1970–.
- Déroche, F. Recherches sur l'oasis de Dedan / al-Ula. Thèse de Doctorat: Études arabo-islamiques, Paris IV, 1987. [Unpublished], 1987.
- [D] Farès-Drappeau, S. Dédan et Liḥyān. Histoire des Arabes aux confins des pouvoirs perse et hellénistique (IVe–IIe s. avant l'ère chrétienne). (Travaux de la maison de l'Orient, 42). Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée — Jean Pouilloux, 2005. pp 137–138 Plate VI
- Grimme, H. Neubearbeitung der Wichtigeren Dedanischen und Liḥjanischen Inschriften. Le Muséon 50, 1937: 269-322.
- [DNWSI] Hoftijzer, J. & Jongeling, K. Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions. With appendices by R.C. Steiner, A. Mosak Moshavi and B. Porten.. (2 volumes). (Handbuch der Orientalistik, 21). Leiden: Brill, 1995. pp 321–329
- [JSTham] Jaussen, A. & Savignac, M.R. Mission archéologique en Arabie. I. (Mars-Mai 1907) De Jérusalem au Hedjaz, Médain Saleh. II. El-ʿEla, d'Hégra à Teima Harrah de Tebouk. Texte et Atlas. III. Les châteaux arabes de Quṣeir ʿAmra, Ḫarâneh, et Tûba. (5 volumes). (Publications de la Société Française des Fouilles Archéologiques, 2). [Reprinted Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1997]. Paris: Leroux/Geuthner, 1909–1920. Vol. II pp 391–392 Plate LXXXI, CV
- [NAU] Scagliarini, F. Le iscrizioni liḥyānitiche dell'Oasi di al-ʿUlā. Dottorato di ricerca in semitistica: linguistica semitica, Universita' degli studi di Firenze, anni accademici 1992-1994 . [unpublished thesis]. 1994. No. 18 pp 222–227 Plate XVII, XVIII
- Site
- The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
- Date Found
- 1909–1910
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subjects
- Genealogy, Historical
- #0033857
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08 Jan, 2025