JSLih 080
Text Information
- Siglum
- JSLih 080
- Alternative Sigla
- D 061, Jamme 1974: 128, CLL 035, Grimme 1937: 312, Müller, D.H. 1889: 79, no. 34, Eut 793b
- Transliteration
y / w mrm
lw / s²ʾ
ḏt / lOCIANA - Translation
y/w mrm
ḏt/lOCIANA - Language and Script
- Dadanitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- TEXT Müller, D.H. followed by Grimme considers this inscription and JSLih 079, as one text. Caskel considers that the text in broken on the right side, by the contrary, Farès-Drappeau considers the text is broken on the left side. Line 1. Müller, D.H.: hs²ʿʿ for hnfy; Grimme: lnfy for hnfy; Jamme: hnʿy for hnfy. Line 2. Grimme followed by Caskel and Farès-Drappeau: gmr for mrm; Jamme: grg for mrm. Line 3. Müller, D.H.: s²---b rather than s²ʾ; Grimme: n---- rather than s²ʾ; Jamme: s²nʾ for s²ʾ. Line 4. Müller, D.H. does not read the letter l at the end of this line. TRANSLATION Lines 1–3. Caskel: 'It can be recognised only the names Hā-Nafī and Grm, as well as the word ḏāt,this'. Lines 1–4. Jaussen & Savignac: 'Ha-Nafy and Marāmlaw wanted this, to'; Jamme: 'Hanuayq has pierced Galw, the enemy of Ḏūtall'; Grimme: 'to the exclusive property and possession for (?) this (?) ----'.
- Commentary
- Due to the poor condition of the photograph, the reading here is based on the facsimile in Jaussen & Savignac (1909-1920, ii, pl. CX). We are unable to offer a satisfactory interpretation of this inscription.
- Editio Princeps
- Jaussen & Savignac 1914: 449-450
- Technique
- Incised
- Direction of Script
- Horizontal line right to left
- Associated Remains
- Iti is to the left of JSLih 079
- [CLL] Caskel, W. Lihyan und Lihyanisch. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Geisteswissenschaften, 4). Köln: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1954. pp 95
- [D] Farès-Drappeau, S. Dédan et Liḥyān. Histoire des Arabes aux confins des pouvoirs perse et hellénistique (IVe–IIe s. avant l'ère chrétienne). (Travaux de la maison de l'Orient, 42). Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée — Jean Pouilloux, 2005. pp 172 Plate XVIII
- Grimme, H. Neubearbeitung der Wichtigeren Dedanischen und Liḥjanischen Inschriften. Le Muséon 50, 1937: 269-322.
- [JaL] Jamme, A. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe VII. Washington, DC: [privately produced], 1974. pp 128
- [Eut] Jamme, A. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe V. Washington, DC: [privately produced], 1974. Plate 36C
- [JSTham] Jaussen, A. & Savignac, M.R. Mission archéologique en Arabie. I. (Mars-Mai 1907) De Jérusalem au Hedjaz, Médain Saleh. II. El-ʿEla, d'Hégra à Teima Harrah de Tebouk. Texte et Atlas. III. Les châteaux arabes de Quṣeir ʿAmra, Ḫarâneh, et Tûba. (5 volumes). (Publications de la Société Française des Fouilles Archéologiques, 2). [Reprinted Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1997]. Paris: Leroux/Geuthner, 1909–1920. Vol. II pp 449–450 Plate LXXXV, CX
- Müller, D.H. Epigraphische Denkmäler aus Arabien. (nach Abklatschen und Copien des Herrn Professor Dr. Julius Euting in Strassburg). Borgelegt in der Sitzung am 9. Mai 1888. (Denkschriften der (kaiserlichen) Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 37.2). Wien: Tempsky, 1889.
- Site
- The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
- Date Found
- 1909–1910
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subject
- Name only
- #0034221
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08 Jan, 2025