JSLih 082

Text Information

JSLih 082
Alternative Sigla
D 063, Al-Qudrah 1993: 34–35, no. 86, CLL 032, Grimme 1937: 301, Jaussen & Savignac 1909: 576–587
ḥyw ---- h- {ṣ}lmn / hḏh-
{n} / nḏr / ---- bn / ʾbhm / ḫr-
ḥḏġbt / f rḍ -hm / w ʾḫrt -h-
[m] / w s¹ʿd -hm / s¹n[t] / ṯlṯn / w ḫm-
s¹ 35 / b- rʾy / [m]nʿy / lḏn / b-
n / hnʾs¹ / mlk / lḥyn / s¹lmh / b-
[n] ---- h- ṣnʿ / w ḫrḥ / bn
---- s¹ʿbḍḍ / h- s¹fr / ḏbḫ
By ---- son of / [----]
Ḥyw ---- this {statuette}
he vowed ---- son of ʾbhm Ḫr-
ḥḏġbt and so favour them and t[heir] posterity
and help them. In the {year} thirty-five
35 in the government of {Mnʿy} Lḏn son
Hnʾs¹ king of Lḥyn, S¹lmh {son
of} ---- the artisan and Ḫrḥ son of
---- S¹ʿbḍḍ the carver ḏbḫ
Language and Script


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT Line 1. Grimme: ---- h dqw; Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah: [h dqw] in the lacuna. Line 2: Grimme followed by Caskel and Al-Qudrah: ḏ rather than [n] at the beginning; Jaussen and Savignac: ḫms²; Grimme: [lʿ]gl; Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah: lʿg[l]bn in the lacuna. Line 3. Farès-Drappeau does not read the beginning of this line; Jaussen & Savignac followed by Grimme: rṭ -hm rather than rḍ -hm. Line 5. Grimme: [m]----ʿy rather than [m]nʿy; Al-Qudrah does not translate this word. Line 8. Jaussen & Savignac: s²ʿbṭ [misprint for s¹ʿbṭṭ, see p. 454]ṭ for s¹ʿbḍḍ; Grimme: ʿbṭṭ for s¹ʿbḍḍ; Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah: bḍḍ for s¹ʿbḍḍ; Farès-Drappeau: ḏ-b---- for ḏbḫ. TRANSLATION Line 1: Müller W.W. 1982: 22: "statuette" for ṣlmn, see also Macdonald 2004: 505, §4.1.4. Line 2. Grimme: 'this, which he vowed to (the god) ʿgl----n, their father'. Line 3: ʾḫrt -hm, Farès-Drappeau: 'he guided them'. Lines 2–4. Jaussen & Savignac: 'he vowed his father's inscription (?) Ḫaraḥ of ḏu Ġābat for their prosperity, their future and their happiness'; Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah: 'which their father Ḫrḥḏġbt vowed to ʿAglibōn, two life spans, descendants and fortune to them'. Line 8: ḏbḫ, Jaussen & Savignac: 'of Biḫ'; Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah: 'May they be well remembered'; Farès-Drappeau does not translate this line. DISCUSSION Déroche 1987: 198, 238. Macdonald 2004: 505, 518, 522. Scagliarini 2007: 254. Macdonald (in press): 23, note 30.
Due to the poor quality of the photograph, the reading here is based on the facsimile on Jaussen & Savignac (1909-1920, ii, pl. CX). Line 1–2. If the stroke emerging from the damage at the beginning of line 2 is the top of a n, this would appear to produce hḏhn, an otherwise unattested form of the demonstrative adjective hḏh. However, this would mean that the second h which is in a medial position would have to be a consonant /h/, not a mater lectionis /ā/ hence *haḏahan, which seems very unlikely.

Editio Princeps

In relief
Direction of Script
Horizontal line right to left

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  • Macdonald, M.C.A. Towards a reassessment of the Ancient North Arabian alphabets used in the oasis of al-ʿUlā. Pages 1–19 in M.C.A. Macdonald (ed.), Languages, scripts and their uses in ancient North Arabia. (Supplement to volume 48 of the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies). Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018.
  • Müller, W.W. Das Frühnordarabische. Pages 17-29 in W. Fischer (ed.), Grundriß der Arabischen Philologie. Band I: Sprachwissenschaft. 1. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1982.
  • Scagliarini, F. The word ṣlm / ṣnm and some words for "statue, idol" in Arabian and other Semitic languages. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 37, 2007: 253-262.
The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
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In situ
Date (s¹nt), Genealogy, Historical, Isolated Prayer
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Updated 08 Jan, 2025 by OCIANA