JSLih 085

Text Information

JSLih 085
Alternative Sigla
D 065, Al-Qudrah 1993: 33-34, no. 84, Déroche 1987: 123–124, CLL 029
ḥwr / w h- m{ṣ}d / l- ḏġbt / f r[ḍ] -[h]
w s¹ʿd -h / w ʾḫrt -h / s¹nt / t[s¹ʿ]----
b- rʾy / ḫmt / gs²m / bn / lḏn / mlk ---- [l]
ḥyn / -----rʾhk----
By / son of / [----]
ḥwr and {the high [red] mountain} for Ḏġbt and so {favour} {him}
and help him and his posterity in year {nine}----
of the government of Ḫmt Gs²m son of Lḏn king ----- {L-
ḥyn} ----rʾhk----
Language and Script


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT Line 1. Jaussen & Savignac: r[ṭ] -[h] for r[ḍ] -[h]. Line 3: Jaussen & Savignac: ms²m for gs²m. Line 4. Caskel followed by Al-Qudrah: ḥyn s¹ʿ---- rʾhk---- rather than ḥyn -----rʾhk----. TRANSLATION Line 1. ḥwr w h- m{ṣ}d, Déroche: 'the hinges and the threshold'. Lines 1–2. Jaussen & Savignac: 'Ḥūr and ha-Muṣād to ḏu Ġābat, to his prosperity, his happiness and his future! in the year 9; Caskel: '(he) has offered the statue, the washing vessel and the bronze/copper kettle to Ḏū-ġābat. Two life spans, and fortune and descendants for him. In the year nine'; Al-Qudrah does not translate line 1 and the beginning of line 2. Line 2. ʾḫrt -h, Farès-Drappeau: 'he has guide him'. Line 3. b rʾy, Déroche: 'committee'. DISCUSSION Déroche 1987: 197–198, 226, 231. Hidalgo-Chacón Díez 2016: 128, for the divine name Ḏġbt.
There is no photograph available of this text and the reading is based on the Jaussen & Savignac's copy (1909-1920, ii, pl. CXII). In Classical Arabic (Lane 1863-1893: 2719b), the word maṣad means, among other things "a mountain top", or "a place of refuge". On the other hand, Abū l-Ḥasan (2002: 36–37) translates is as 'the high red mountain'. According to him, this meaning is consistent with the red colour of the Jabal Umm Daraǧ where the inscription has been found.

Editio Princeps

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  • [AH] Abū ʾl-Ḥasan, Ḥ.ʿA.D. Nuqūš liḥyānīyah min minṭaqat al-ʿulā. (Dirāsah taḥlīliyyah muqāranah). al-Riyāḍ: Wizārat al-maʿārif, 2002. pp 36–37
  • Al-Qudrah, Ḥ.M. Dirāsah muʿǧamiyyah li-ʾlfāẓ al-nuqūš al-liḥyāniyyah fī iṭār al-luġāt al-sāmiyyah al-ǧanūbiyyah. Unpublished MA Thesis, Epigraphy Section, Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, Yarmouk University, Irbid. 1993.
  • [CLL] Caskel, W. Lihyan und Lihyanisch. (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Geisteswissenschaften, 4). Köln: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1954. pp 90
  • Déroche, F. Recherches sur l'oasis de Dedan / al-Ula. Thèse de Doctorat: Études arabo-islamiques, Paris IV, 1987. [Unpublished], 1987.
  • [D] Farès-Drappeau, S. Dédan et Liḥyān. Histoire des Arabes aux confins des pouvoirs perse et hellénistique (IVe–IIe s. avant l'ère chrétienne). (Travaux de la maison de l'Orient, 42). Lyon: Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée — Jean Pouilloux, 2005. pp 174–175 Plate XX
  • Hidalgo-Chacón Díez. M. del C. The divine names at Dadan: a philological approach. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies 46, 2016: 125–136
  • [JSTham] Jaussen, A. & Savignac, M.R. Mission archéologique en Arabie. I. (Mars-Mai 1907) De Jérusalem au Hedjaz, Médain Saleh. II. El-ʿEla, d'Hégra à Teima Harrah de Tebouk. Texte et Atlas. III. Les châteaux arabes de Quṣeir ʿAmra, Ḫarâneh, et Tûba. (5 volumes). (Publications de la Société Française des Fouilles Archéologiques, 2). [Reprinted Cairo: Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1997]. Paris: Leroux/Geuthner, 1909–1920. Vol. II pp 456–457 Plate CXII
  • [Lane] Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon, Derived from the Best and Most Copious Eastern Sources. (Volume 1 in 8 parts [all published]). London: Williams & Norgate, 1863-1893.
The oasis of al-ʿUlā, Al-Madīnah Province, Saudi Arabia
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Updated 08 Jan, 2025 by OCIANA