Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

WTI 48.1/3

Text Information

WTI 48.1/3
Alternative Sigla
Winnett 1985: 31, no. 89; King 1990: 681
l ʿmrt ḏ {ʾ}{h}l ḍm{f} {w} s²wq
By ʿmrt of {the extended family} of {Ḍmf} {and} he was filled with longing


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT WTI: l ʿmrt ḏ ʾhl gf{f} {w} {s²}wq for l ʿmrt ḏ ʾhl ḍm{f} {w} s²wq Jamme 1972: 525: l ʿmrt ḏ ʾhlḍ rbb w bʿq "By ʿmrt him of ʾhlḏ he has halted and cried" Winnett 1985: 31 l ʿmrt ḏ ʾhl ḍf ---- fwq "For ʿmrt of the family of Ḍf ----" DISCUSSION King (1990: 680) commented: "Mixed/Tham.E ḏ and ḍ".
If the reading is correct, this is so far the only example of ḏ ʾhl. The lineage name is very strange.

Original Reading Credit
Original Translation Credit

  • Winnett, F.V. & Reed, W.L. Ancient Records from North Arabia. with contributions by J.T. Milik and J. Starcky. (Near and Middle East Series, 6). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970. pp 86 Plate 5, 15
  • Clark, V.A. New Safaitic Inscriptions from Sakaka and Azraq. Abr-Nahrain 23, 1984-1985: 14-21, pls 1-2.
  • Jamme, A. [Review of Winnett, F.V. & Reed, W.L., Ancient Records from North Arabia. With contributions by J.T. Milik and J. Starcky. (Near and Middle East Series, 6). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1970]. Journal of the American Oriental Society 92, 1972: 519-529.
  • Winnett, F.V. Studies in Thamudic. Maǧallat kulliyat al-ādāb, ǧāmiʿat al-malik saʿūd 12:1, 1985: 1-58 [English section].
  • King, G.M.H. Early North Arabian Thamudic E. A preliminary description based on a new corpus of inscriptions from the Ḥismā desert of southern Jordan and published material. Ph.D thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1990. [Unpublished]. 1990.
Sakākā, Al-Ǧawf (Al-Jawf) Province, Saudi Arabia
Current Location
In situ
Lineage, Name only, Yearning
Mixed Safaitic/Hismaic
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