Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

BRenv.B 7

Text Information

BRenv.B 7


BRenv.B 5, 6 and 7 are on the same flat face of a block of basalt. It was split into several pieces, of which six survive, after BR.B 5 was inscribed (since the beginning of the text is missing and parts of the same letters are on different sections) but before 7 was written (since it is neatly confined to one section). The side of the block adjacent to the beginning of what remains of 5 is weathered smooth and is patinated to black, which suggests that the break must have taken place a long time ago. The text is carved in small letters on one section of the block.

On the left bank of Wādī Shām, north-west of the water-tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī. A small outcrop approximately 150 m north of the Wādī. This is site E1 in Macdonald, Al Muʾazzin & Nehmé 1996.

  • Macdonald, M.C.A., Al Muʾazzin, M. & Nehmé, L. Les inscriptions safaïtiques de Syrie, cent quarante ans après leur découverte. Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres 1996: 435-494.
  • Inscriptions recorded by the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme in 1995 at a small outcrop approximately 150 m north of the left bank of Wādī al-Shām, north-west of the water-tower at Biʾr al-Ruṣayʿī, and published here.
Unnamed, Al-Suwaydāʾ (al-Sweidah) Governorate, Syria
Date Found
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In situ
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