Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

BES20 156

Text Information

BES20 156
l ys¹mʿl bn ġyr bn ḫ{l} w ḫrṣ {f} h lt rwḥ w mḥlt ----r l- h- gs² w rwḥ ---- l w----ḥn wqyt m- ʾṯmt
By Ys¹mʿl son of Ġyr son of {Ḫl} and he was on the look-out {and so} O Lt [grant] a change of circumstances and dearth ----r for the troop and a change of circumstances ----l w----ḥn protection against a wrongful action


ẖrṣ {f}: Following the square w, there are clearly the letters ẖ and r. Below these is a very faint ṣ, visible in the enhanced negative photograph. The text then continues right-left along the lower edge of the stone. The final letter of the verb looks like a m or a f. Upon close inspection, the letter does not seem to be fully closed on the right hand side, so is most likely a f. ----: It is likely that the text continues on the face of the stone that is hidden and comes back at the top of the stone. On the other hand, it is possible that the section at the top of the stone is actually a separate inscription that begins on the hidden stone face. From the photographs, one can only make sense of two parts of this latter half of the inscription. gs²: The second letter has been read as a simplified form of s² that is occasionally found.

  • Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2020 and published here
Wādī al-Mismā al-Šarqī, c. 52 km north-west of Al-Ruwayšid, Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Date Found
Current Location
In situ
Curse, Deity, Genealogy, Isolated Prayer
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