Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

BES20 169

Text Information

BES20 169
l ḥml bn hln bn s¹{r} {b}{n} {ʾ}ẓm{y} bn s¹lm bn s¹{f}[d]
By Ḥml son of Hln son of {S¹r} {son of} {ʾẓmy} son of S¹lm son of {S¹fd}


The face of the stone with the inscription is heavily abraded, but the text can be reconstructed with reference to parallel genealogies in other inscriptions. The lighting in the photograph allows one to read the first two names of the inscription with ease. A relatively large number of variations on the lineage attested in this inscription have previously been found (BES20 45, 168; MKJS 40; AMSI 38; AbSWS 53, 57, 59; AWS 109l SIJ 175; AMSI 34; KRS 2222; Is.Mu 36). s¹{r}: The second letter seems to be a straight line with a slight curve. This would suggest a reading of r. {ʾ}ẓm{y}: The first letter looks very much like a h as the fork at the top letter is not visible in the photographs. The loop at the bottom of the final letter is very faint in the photographs. s¹{f}[d]: The letter following the the s¹ is difficult to read, but upon close inspection seems to be a zigzag line. This would lend to the reading of s¹fd, an ancestor listed as the father of S¹lm in KRS 2222 and AbSWS 53.

Associated Signs
Seven lines
Associated Inscriptions

  • Inscriptions recorded by Geraldine King on the Basalt Desert Rescue Survey in north-eastern Jordan in 1989 and published here
  • Winnett, F.V. Safaitic Inscriptions from Jordan. (Near and Middle East Series, 2). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1957.
  • ʿAbbādī [Abbadi], Ṣ. Nuqūš ṣafawiyyah min wādī salmā (al-bādiyah al-urduniyah). Amman: Badia Research and Development Center, 2006.
  • ʿAlūlū [Alulu], Ġ.M.Y. Nuqūš ṣafāʾiyyah ǧadīdah min ǧanūb sūriyyah, dirāsah tārīḫiyyah taḥlīliyyah. Damascus: Manšūrāt al-mudīriyyah al-ʿāmah li-l-āṯār wa-ʾl-matāḥif, wizārat al-ṯaqāfah, 2011.
  • Inscriptions recorded at al-ʿĪsāwī by Muna Al-Muʾazzin, on the Safaitic Epigraphic Survey Programme, 1995–2002, and published here.
  • Inscriptions recorded at Ǧabal Ṣāqāʾ/Ṣāǧa in 1982 by Michael Macdonald, Geraldine King, and Ann Searight, and published here
  • Al-Manāsīr [Al-Manaser], A.Y.Kh., Einige altnordarabische Inschriften aus Jordanien. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 69: 4, 2016: 457 – 469.
  • Inscriptions recorded during the Badia Epigraphic Survey 2020 and published here
Wādī al-Mismā al-Šarqī, c. 52 km north-west of Al-Ruwayšid, Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Date Found
Current Location
In situ
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