Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia


Text Information

l ʾs¹ḫr bn ḫlmt bn trml bn s¹ry bn s¹lm bn s¹fd bn rfʾt bn gml bn zdʾl bn ʾs²ll bn mḥl w ts²wq l- ʾnʿm bn ġnṯ m- ḥrn f h lh s¹lm m- ḫlf w ḫrṣ s²nʾ ġzz b- bql b- rʾy ʾʾly w wg[[]]m ʿl- ʿwdʾl f h lt w yṯʿ mḥl{t} w nqʾt l- ḏ yʿwr h- ḫṭṭ w ʿrf ʾṯr <ʾ>nʿm f ʾs¹y
By ʾs¹ḫr son of Ḫlmt son of Trml son of S¹ry son of S¹lm son of S¹fd son of Rfʾt son of Gml son of Zdʾl son of ʾs²ll son of Mḥl and he longed for ʾnʿm son of Ġnṯ from the Ḥawrān and so O Lh [grant] security from a bad man and he was on the lookout for enemies raiding in the spring herbage during the rising of Taurus and he {grieved} for ʿwdʾl and so O Lt and Yṯʿ [inflict] {dearth of pasture} and ejection from the grave on whoever erases the carving and he recognized the traces of {ʾnʿm} and he grieved.


The author carved two gs in wgm and appears to have omitted one stroke of the ʾ in ʾnʿm at the end of the text. The alternative would be read h- nʿm "the livestock" which does not make much sense in this context. ḫlf could have a variety of meanings in this context. It can mean "compensation" (see Al-Jallad & Jaworska) which would imply that the author had done something which required compensation (presumably not to ʾnʿm for whom "he is longing"). Alternatively, it could mean a "successor" (Arabic ḫalf Lane 795c); or a "bad man" (Arabic ḫālif Lane 798b). ʾs¹y does not seem to have been found before in Safaitic but cf. Classical Arabic ʾasiya "he grieved or mourned" (Lane 60a).

Associated Inscriptions

  • Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon, Derived from the Best and Most Copious Eastern Sources. (Volume 1 in 8 parts [all published]). London: Williams & Norgate, 1863-1893.
  • Al-Jallad, A. & Jaworska, K.A. Dictionary and Grammar of the Safaitic Inscriptions. Volume I: Dictionary. Leiden: Brill, 2019
  • Inscriptions recorded by Ali Al-Manaser in a tributary of Wādī al-Ḫuḍarī in September 2022
Wādī al-Ḫuḍarī area, Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
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In situ
Curse, Deity, Finding inscription(s), Genealogy, Grieving, Isolated Prayer, Place-name, Yearning
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