WH 3559.1
Text Information
- Siglum
- WH 3559.1
- Transliteration
l ḥrb {{b}}n <<>>ʿll w tẓr h- s¹my b- ḥḍr w wrd brkt
- Translation
By Ḥrb son of yʿll and he awaited the rains while camping by permanent water and he had gone to water at Brkt.
- Language and Script
- Safaitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- NAEN I p. 29 38 n. 55: w tẓr h- s¹my b- ḥḍr w wrd brkt - " and he waited for rains at a ḥaḍ¡r (i.e. a place by permanent water) and he watered at Brkt " . MST p. 9 n. 55: as NAEN I.
- Commentary
- The text has been tampered with. A horizontral has been added between two of the prongs of the ḥ. The b of bn has been turned into a m but the additional line is in a quite different technique to the original. An extra y has been added just before yʿll in the same technique as the addition to the b.The letters l wbr above a drawing of an unidentifiable animal in the area surrounded by the inscription clearly do not belong to the text though WH read them at the end of it.
- Editio Princeps
- [WH] Winnett, F.V. & Harding, G.L. Inscriptions from Fifty Safaitic Cairns. (Near and Middle East Series, 9). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1978.
- Site
- WH Cairn 46, Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
- Date Found
- 1958–1959
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subject
- Genealogy
- #0014513
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16 Sep, 2024