WH 575
Text Information
- Siglum
- WH 575
- Transliteration
l tm bn ḫṭs¹t w nẓr s¹nt ngy mty hdy f h lt s¹lm
- Translation
By Tm son of Ḫṭs¹t and he kept watch the year Mty was appointed commander and so O Lt may he be secure
- Language and Script
- Safaitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- WH 575: s¹nt ngy mty hdy: "the time that Mty rescued Hdy" for "the year Mty was appointed commander"
- Commentary
- For the basis of the translation of s¹nt ngy mty hdy see Macdonald 2014: 154–156.
- Editio Princeps
- Ed. pr.
- Macdonald, M.C.A. ‘Romans Go Home’? Rome and other ‘Outsiders’ as viewed from the Syro-Arabian Desert. Pages 145-163 in J.H.E. Dijkstra & G. Fisher (eds), Inside and Out. Interactions between Rome and the Peoples on the Arabian and Egyptian Frontiers in Late Antiquity. (Late Antique History and Religion, 8). Louvain: Peeters, 2014.
- [WH] Winnett, F.V. & Harding, G.L. Inscriptions from Fifty Safaitic Cairns. (Near and Middle East Series, 9). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1978.
- Site
- WH Cairn 9B, Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
- Date Found
- 1958–1959
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subject
- Genealogy
- #0011351
- Download Image
16 Sep, 2024