Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

TIJ 058

Text Information

TIJ 058
Alternative Sigla
WAM T 8; Harding 1971: 621; Macdonald 1981: 258; Winnett 1985: 20–21, no. 48; King 1990: 655
l km bn gmhr w ḏkrt lt ġṯ w ḥbk w ʿbb w bkr w hlʾ w qnfḏ w wd w ḥmlg w qnfḏ w gmʿ
By Km son of Gmhr and may Lt remember Ġṯ and Ḥbk and ʿbb and Bkr and Hlʾ and Qnfḏ and Wd and Ḥmlg and Qnfḏ and Gmʿ


Apparatus Criticus
TEXT Harding & Littmann followed by Winnett: km bn ṯmhr w ḏkrt lt ġḍ w ḥrk w ʿrb w bkr w hnʾ w qnfḏ w wd w ḥmlṯ w qnfḏ w ṯmg rather than km bn gmhr w ḏkrt lt ġṯ w ḥbk w ʿbb w bkr w hlʾ w qnfḏ w wd w ḥmlg w qnfḏ w gmʿ; Harding, followed by Macdonald: hnʾ rather than hlʾ. DISCUSSION King (1990: 655) commented: "Apart for the re-readings in this text based on the re-evaluation of the signs for /ṯ/, /g/ and /ḍ/, hlʾ should be read for hnʾ (as in Harding 1971: 621 and Macdonald 1981: 158), ḥbk for ḥrk and ʿbb for ʿrb. In these last two names the letters read as r are more like the b's in the rest of the text".

Original Reading Credit
King 1990
Original Translation Credit
King 1990

  • Harding, G.L. & Littmann, E. Some Thamudic Inscriptions from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Leiden: Brill, 1952.
  • Winnett, F.V. An Arabian Miscellany. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli 31 [N.S. 21], 1971: 443-454, pls 1-14.
  • Harding, G.L. An Index and Concordance of Pre-Islamic Arabian Names and Inscriptions. (Near and Middle East Series, 8). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971.
  • Winnett, F.V. Studies in Thamudic. Maǧallat kulliyat al-ādāb, ǧāmiʿat al-malik saʿūd 12:1, 1985: 1-58 [English section].
  • Macdonald, M.C.A. Appendix G. Notes on Some Safaitic Inscriptions. Pages 257-263 in S.W. Helms, Jawa, Lost City of the Black Desert. London: Methuen, 1981.
  • King, G.M.H. Early North Arabian Thamudic E. A preliminary description based on a new corpus of inscriptions from the Ḥismā desert of southern Jordan and published material. Ph.D thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1990. [Unpublished]. 1990.
ʿAyn Murayfiq, Al-‘Aqabah Governorate, Jordan
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In situ
Deity, Genealogy, Isolated Prayer, Religion
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