KRS 1131

Text Information

KRS 1131
l ʿm[d] bn ḥd bn ʾbgr bn ʾs¹ḫr bn s²ḥtr w ḥl ṣyr h- dr mʿdy w ḫrṣ ʾhl -h ḥḍr f h ʾḥd w h lt slm w ġnmt l- ḏ dʿy
Al-Jallad 2021a
By [ʿmd] son of Ḥd son of ʾbgr son of ʾs¹ḫr son of S²ḥtr and he camped having returned to this place of water from a raid/having gone on a raid; and he kept watch for his family while camping near water so, O ʾḥd and O Lt, may he be secure; and may he who would read (this writing) have spoil
Al-Jallad 2021a
Language and Script
Safaitic 2



This is the first Safaitic inscription to invoke the deity ʾḥd 'One'; on the possible identifications of this divinity, see Al-Jallad 2021a. "ʿm[d]: While the first name is clearly ʿm on the photograph, a common name in the Safaitic onomasticon, this seems to be the result of a writing error. Three other texts exist attesting an individual named ʿmd with the same father and grandfather, and in one case, the same great grandfather. KRS 1283: l ʿmd bn ḥd bn ʾbgr; KRS 1284: l ʿmd bn ḥd bn ʾbgr bn ʾsḫr bn śḥtr bn mrʾ bn ʿḏr bn ʾḏnt bn ʾslm; KRS 2301: l ʿmd bn ḥd bn ʾbgr w qṣf f h lh ġyrt l-ḏ qṣf. While it is possible that ʿm was intended here and that this individual was a brother of ʿmd, it seems more likely considering the fact that ʿmd was a rather prolific writer that this is one of his inscriptions (Al-Jallad 2021a: 38)."

Editio Princeps
Ahmad Al-Jallad 2021

Direction of Script
Curving edge/boustrophedon

Associated Signs
7 lines
Associated Inscriptions

  • Al-Jallad, A. The ‘One’ God in a Safaitic Inscription. Eretz-Israel 34, 2021a: 37-48.
  • [KRS] Inscriptions recorded by Geraldine King on the Basalt Desert Rescue Survey in north-eastern Jordan in 1989 and published here
Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Date Found
Current Location
In situ
Blessing, Camping, Genealogy, Raiding, Watch (keeping), Watering
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Updated 12 Jan, 2025 by Ahmad Al-Jallad