Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

KRS 1542

Text Information

KRS 1542
l ḫlṣt bn rb bn mtr w ḥll h- {{s¹}}{{n}}{{n}} w tẓr m- ḥrn h- ʿr
By Ḫlṣt son of Rb son of Mtr and he camped [on] the {track} and he was waiting for the caravan from [the] Ḥawrān


The first name is carved in much larger letters than the rest of the text. The reading of some of the most crucial parts of the inscription are doubtful. After the first h the depth of some of the lines of the letters suggest that they have been altered. It seems likely that the letter after the h should be read as a s¹ which has been turned 90°. That it is not an h is suggested by the fact that the fork is much deeper that those of the other two h's in the text and the tail of the letter is not so long. The letter has a circle but it is not as carefully cut as the other lines of the letter and is shallower and it seems likely that it was added later to turn the letter into a ṣ. The following letters are difficult to interpret. They are both the same and consist of lines with a slight curve at one end. They are too short to be l's and are different shapes from the b's and r's in the text which are respectively deep curves and lines with distinct arms. It seems most likely that they should be read as n's. As with the previous letter, it seems that they have been changed in this case to a r and a d by the addition of arms to the first and a loop added to the middle of the second. It appears possible therefore that s¹nn was what was originally carved and that it was then changed to ṣrd. After the second ḥ, the n was incised almost touching the arms of the preceding r but there does seem to be a sufficient gap to be certain of this interpretation. For the interpretation of s¹nn here and perhaps in KRS 1701, cf. Arabic sanan "a way, beaten track" (Lane 1438c).

Original Reading Credit
Original Translation Credit

Name Distinguished
Incised & mul. scratched

Associated Signs
Cartouche round 1541-1542
Associated Inscriptions

  • Inscriptions recorded by Geraldine King on the Basalt Desert Rescue Survey in north-eastern Jordan in 1989 and published here
  • Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon, Derived from the Best and Most Copious Eastern Sources. (Volume 1 in 8 parts [all published]). London: Williams & Norgate, 1863-1893.
Al-Mafraq Governorate, Jordan
Date Found
Current Location
In situ
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