Text Information
- Siglum
- HSNS 5
- Transliteration
l lbʾt bn ḫṭs¹t bn flṭt bn bhs² bn ʾḏnt bn ʾs¹lm bn zkr bn rfʾt bn ws²yt bn ḍf bn ʿgb bn tʿwḏ w ḥl dr s¹nt mlk grfṣ bn hrdṣ w wgd ʾṯr ʾḫwl -h ʾl ʾs²ll tm w grmʾ w ʾḥwḍ w zbd f ngʿ w h ds²ry w lt ġnmt l- ḏ d{ʿ}y w lm yḫbl s¹fr
- Translation
By Lbʾt son of Ḫṭs¹t son of Flṭt son of Bhs² son of ʾḏnt son of ʾs¹lm son of Zkr son of Rfʾt son of Ws²yt son of Ḍf son of ʿgb son of Tʿwḏ and he was here in the year of king Agrippa son of Herod and he found the traces of his maternal uncles [of] the lineage of ʾs²ll, Tm and Grmʾ and ʾḥwḍ and Zbd so he grieved in pain and O Ds²ry and Lt [grant] booty to whoever {reads aloud} and has not damaged [the] inscription.
- Language and Script
- Safaitic
- Commentary
- The particle lm with the prefix conjugation is only rarely found in Safaitic (see for instance MSNS 2). However, whereas in Arabic lam + the jussive refers to a past action, here it seems to refer to a possible future action. Note that the definite article is not used in this text. It would have been expected before dr and s¹fr.
- Editio Princeps
- [SHSM] Ḥarāḥšah [Harahsheh], R.M.A. & Al-Šudayfāt [Shdeifat, Shdifat], Y.M Nuqūš ṣafawiyyah muʾrraḫah ilà ḥukm aġrībā al-ṯānī (19/50 – 92/93 m). Maǧallat muʾtah li-l-buḥūṯ wa-ʾl-dirāsāt (silsilat al-ʿulūm al-insāniyyah wa-ʾl-iǧtimāʿiyyah) 21:6, 2006: 111-129.
- Site
- Jordan
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subjects
- Date (s¹nt), Deity, Finding inscription(s), Genealogy, Grieving, Isolated Prayer, Outside peoples, Present in a place, Relatives
- #0032321
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16 Sep, 2024