Text Information
- Siglum
- CTSS 3
- Alternative Sigla
- King 1990: 625, MNM 6
- Transliteration
l ṣhḥ bn wd ḏy- l nʾlt w ḏkrt lt kll rhṭ ṣ{d}q
- Translation
By Ṣhḥ son of Wd of the lineage of Nʾlt and may Lt be mindful of all righteous kinsfolk
- Language and Script
- Hismaic
- Apparatus Criticus
- TEXT CTSS: rhḥ for rhṭ. Read in CTSS p. 126–127 as Safaitic.
- Commentary
- As Clark notes the first name ṣhḥ is absolutely clear but would seem to be an impossible name, and might be a mistake for ṣyḥ. Ḏyl instead of ḏ- ʾl is at present unique and could represent a pronunciation *ḏī ʾāl rather than *ḏū ʾāl. See Al-Jallad 2015: 85–86. Compare MNM 6 and the commentary there.
- Editio Princeps
- Al-Jallad, A. An Outline of the Grammar of the Safaitic Inscriptions. (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 80). Leiden: Brill, 2015.
- [CTSS] Clark, V.A. Three Safaitic Stones from Jordan. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 24, 1980: 125-128, pls 81-82.
- [AMJ] King, G.M.H. Early North Arabian Thamudic E. A preliminary description based on a new corpus of inscriptions from the Ḥismā desert of southern Jordan and published material. Ph.D thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1990. [Unpublished]. 1990.
- [MNM] Milik, J.T. Nouvelles inscriptions sémitiques et grecques du pays de Moab. Liber Annuus 9, 1958-1959: 330-358.
- Site
- Jordan
- Current Location
- Madaba Museum Reg. no. 507
- Subjects
- Deity, Genealogy, Isolated Prayer, Lineage, Relatives, Religion
- #0051684
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16 Sep, 2024