Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

C 1103

Text Information

C 1103
Alternative Sigla
Graham JRAS 5 a; Graham ZDMG 11
l ʿlh b(n) qfl ----
By ʿlh {son of} Qfl


Apparatus Criticus
Jamme 1971: 3: l gl s¹by qfly "By Gl. He has made Qfly prisoner."

Note that the co-ordinates are estimates. De Vogüé gives the fullest description of al-ʿUdaysīyah. He writes: "Strictly speaking, the name al-ʿUdaysīyah refers to a point on the [southern] end of the Ruḥbah where there are rough ruins: one can distinguish a small tower, and some surrounding walls in dry-stonework. All around these remains, are traces of stoneworking: fragments, quarried blocks, unfinished slabs strewn all over the ground. Tradition has it that this was the quarry for Khirbat al-Bayḍā. At Al-ʿUdaysīyah itself there are no inscriptions, but within a fairly short radius of this point there are several nameless cairns which are covered with them. We explored four of these which furnished us with texts [V 56–130 = C 924–1016]. Near to one of them we found another quarry" (1868–1877: 144).
Original Reading Credit
ed. pr.
Original Translation Credit
ed. pr.

  • Ryckmans, G. Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum: Pars Quinta, Inscriptiones Saracenicae Continens: Tomus I, Fasciculus I, Inscriptiones Safaiticae. Paris: E Reipublicae Typographeo, 1950–1951.
  • Jamme, A. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe II. Washington, DC: [privately produced], 1971.
  • Graham, C.C. On the Inscriptions Found in the Region of El-Hârrah, in the Great Desert South-East and East of the Haurân. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 17, 1860: 286-297, pls 1-4.
  • Graham, C.C. Notiz des Herrn Cyril C. Graham zu den von ihm copirten Inschriften. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 12, 1858: 713-714, 1 pl. opposite p. 712.
Al-ʿUdaysīyah, at the southern end of the Ruḥbah, on the left [i.e. west] bank of Wādī al-Šām” ( C p.126), Rif Dimašq Governorate, Syria
Date Found
Current Location
In situ
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