HANA.Saf 1
Text Information
- Siglum
- HANA.Saf 1
- Alternative Sigla
- ZSIJ 5, Al-Jallad Blog (http://aljallad.nl/blog/ 16_10-2016)
- Transliteration
l tm bn ṣrmt ḏ- [ʾ]l ʿmrt w rʿy ḍrk w ʾlt w ds²r ġnyt
- Translation
By Tm son of Ṣrmt of the lineage of ʿmrt and he pastured suffering from scarcity and Lt and Ds²r let there be abundance
- Language and Script
- Safaitic
- Apparatus Criticus
- Hayajneh 2011: rʿy ḍrk "and he pastured Ḍrk [place name!]" Al-Jallad Blog (http://aljallad.nl/blog/): rʿy ḍrk "and he pastured suffering from scarcity"
- Commentary
- Carved in the Safaitic square script and boustrophedon in which line 1 runs from right-to-left and line 2 runs left-to-right but with the letters facing left. Note the Hismaic form of the ḍ. Here we have followed Al-Jallad's interpretation of ḍrk (cf. Classical Arabic ḍaruka "to be struck by misfortune", ḍarīk "poor, hungry") taking ḍrk as an accusative of circumstance, thus /Raʿaya ḍarīka/ "he pastured suffering from scarcity". This fits well with the pray for "abundance
- Editio Princeps
- [ZSIJ] Al-Zuʿbī [Alzoubi, Alzouʾbi], M.A. New Safaitic Inscriptions from Jordan. Amman: Ward Books, 2018.
- [HANA.Saf] Hayajneh, H. Ancient North Arabian. Pages 756-781 in S. Weninger (ed.), The Semitic Languages. An International Handbook. (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikations-wissenschaft, 36). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2011.
- Site
- Al-Ḍuwaylah, Jordan
- Current Location
- In situ
- Subjects
- Deity, Genealogy, Isolated Prayer, Lineage, Pasturing
- #0032524
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16 Sep, 2024