HaNSB 218

Text Information

HaNSB 218
Alternative Sigla
HaNS 218
l ḍhd bn nr bn ḥrb bn ḍhd bn kṯbt bn ḥmyn w wgm ʿl- s¹lm w ʿl- ġyr w ʿl- ʾʿdg w ʿl- ʿwḏn w ʿl- bʿl w ʿl- ḥny w ʿl- s¹ny f wny w ngs² h- ʾbl m- ḥrn mn ṯlg b- rʾy ngm
By Ḍhd son of Nr son of Ḥrb son of Ḍhd son of Kṯbt son of Ḥmyn and he grieved for S¹lm and for Ġyr and for ʾʿdg and for ʿwḏn and for Bʿl and for Ḥny and for S¹ny and he was depressed and he drove the camels from the Ḥrn on account of snow during the rising of Virgo.
Language and Script


Apparatus Criticus
HaNS 218: kṯrt for kṯbt; translation from from w ngs² "and he drove the camels from Ḥawrān because of the snow when he saw aṯ-ṯurayyā"
The penultimate letter of the fifth name is more like a b than a r. We connect Safaitic ngs² to Arabic naǧaša "he collected together [camels etc.] after a state of dispersion"; "he drove vehemently" (Lane 2771b). For the interpretation of b-rʾy ngm see Al-Jallad 2016: 85, 101. The reference could either be to the heliacal rising in early October or the acronical rising in February.

Editio Princeps

Copy only
Direction of Script
Curving boustrophedon

Associated Remains
Associated Inscriptions

  • Al-Jallad, A. An Ancient Arabian Zodiac. The Constellations in the Safaitic Inscriptions. Part II. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 27, 2016: 84–106.
  • [CSA] Clark, V.A. New Safaitic Inscriptions from Sakaka and Azraq. Abr-Nahrain 23, 1984-1985: 14-21, pls 1-2.
  • [HaNS] Ḥarāḥšah [Harahsheh], R.M.A. Nuqūš ṣafāʾīyah ǧadīdah min al-bādīyah al-urdunīyah al-šimālīyyah al-šarqīyah — dirāsah muqāranah wa-taḥlīl. Unpublished doctoral thesis submitted at the University of Baghdad, August 2001. 2001.
  • [HaNSB] Ḥarāḥšah [Harahsheh], R.M.A. Nuqūš ṣafāʾiyyah min al-bādīyah al-urdunīyah al-šimālīyyah al-šarqīyah — dirāsah wa-taḥlīl. Amman: Ward, 2010.
  • [Lane] Lane, E.W. An Arabic-English Lexicon, Derived from the Best and Most Copious Eastern Sources. (Volume 1 in 8 parts [all published]). London: Williams & Norgate, 1863-1893.
  • [SIJ] Winnett, F.V. Safaitic Inscriptions from Jordan. (Near and Middle East Series, 2). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1957.
  • [WH] Winnett, F.V. & Harding, G.L. Inscriptions from Fifty Safaitic Cairns. (Near and Middle East Series, 9). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1978.
Wādī al-Ġuṣayn Cairn 6, Jordan
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Updated 16 Sep, 2024 by OCIANA