Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

Inscription Results

Displaying inscriptions 24409 - 24432 of 38056 in total
inscription of siglum KRS 1034

KRS 1034

l ḫzm bn yʿḏr bn grmʾl bn ʿbd h- tll
inscription of siglum KRS 1035

KRS 1035

inscription of siglum KRS 1036

KRS 1036

l ʾdm bn ṣʿd bn ʾdm h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1037

KRS 1037

l qdm bn mrʾ bn ẓnnʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 1038

KRS 1038

l qym bn mr----ṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1039

KRS 1039

l ʿlm bn ẓnʾl bn ʿlm w mrd ʿl- h- mlk grfṣ f h lt fṣyt ks¹r h- s¹ls¹lt
inscription of siglum KRS 1040

KRS 1040

l s²gʾ bn s²ḥtr bn ʾs¹ḫr w wgd ʾṯr ---- f bʾs¹ mẓll
inscription of siglum KRS 1041

KRS 1041

l whbʾl bn mʿn bn s²ḥtr h- ḫṭṭ wh
inscription of siglum KRS 1042

KRS 1042

l ḥd bn ḫlṣ bn tm bn s¹ḫr bn mfny bn nʿmn w ʾs²rq f h lt w h gdḍf s¹lm w mgdt w rḍy ḏ dʿy w lʿn ḏ yḫbl mʿl h- ḥwq
inscription of siglum KRS 1043

KRS 1043

l s¹ʿd bn gnʾl bn ḥy bn ṣbḥ w wgd s¹fr s¹ʿd f ngʿ ʿl- dd -h
inscription of siglum KRS 1044

KRS 1044

---- bn ḥy bn ṣbḥ bn ḥy bn gnʾl bn ----bb w ḥll h- dr
inscription of siglum KRS 1045

KRS 1045

l ḥy bn dʾyt bn ṣbḥ h- gml
inscription of siglum KRS 1046

KRS 1046

l ʿlf bn s¹ʿd w wgd s¹fr ʾb -h f ngʿ
inscription of siglum KRS 1047

KRS 1047

l s¹ʿd bn ḥy bn ṣbḥ bn ḥy bn gnʾl bn whb bn s¹b h- ḫṭṭ
inscription of siglum KRS 1048

KRS 1048

l mnʿt bn ʾs¹ bn s¹dy w <<>> h- bkrt
inscription of siglum KRS 1049

KRS 1049

l ḫl bn s¹lm
inscription of siglum KRS 1050

KRS 1050

l ʿb----
inscription of siglum KRS 1051

KRS 1051

----hb bn wṣlt w wgm ʿl- ʾḫ -h ḥry f my----
inscription of siglum KRS 1052

KRS 1052

inscription of siglum KRS 1053

KRS 1053

l ʾṣr bn ʿbd bn nʿm bn kn w wgm ʿl- ġṯ w ʿl- ʿml ----ltṣṣr
inscription of siglum KRS 1054

KRS 1054

----ṭs¹ bn ẓʿn bn whbʾl bn ẓnn
inscription of siglum KRS 1055

KRS 1055

l s¹----s²nh
inscription of siglum KRS 1056

KRS 1056

l nhḍ bn nṣrʾl bn ʾklm bn ʾlht bn gnʾl
inscription of siglum KRS 1057

KRS 1057

l nhb bn ʿmd bn ẓnn bn qḥs² bn grmʾl w ḫrṣ f h lt s¹lm